droparoo. well -- williams goes a little balmy and begins making speeches on a plan he's got to save the world. only he makes his speeches, usually, on a very busy street and neglects to get a license for it. well, the cops let him alone as much as they can because he's harmless and they're kinda sorry for him. but one day he decides to hold a meeting right in the middle of a veteran's parade and the cops chase him. he gets scared and goes into hiding. come in, dave schwartz. yeah -- you can't spend it in albany. that's why i keep losing. my grandma was a modest woman -- nobody ever saw her knees, not even my grandpop. baldwin -- his name is. how's tricks, mollie? why don't you go and see your boy- friend? who? hildy johnson? she just stepped out. she'll be back in a second. who? oh, mr. baldwin. well, if you'll hang on a minute, she ought to be right in. all right. baldwin. the blushing bridegroom -- himself. wants hildy -- and sounds very excited. phone for you, hildy. oh, some insurance man. are you in? i told you baldwin was in trouble. there's a jail-break! wilson talking. hello, jim? sidelights on sheriff hartman's manhunt. mrs. william tausig, age fifty-five, scrub lady, while at work scrubbing the eighth floor of the commerce building, was shot in the left leg by one of sheriff hartman's deputies. i'll go right after it. what's going on in there? smelling salts! what's going on here? city desk. well, they surrounded the house, all right, only they forgot to tell williams, and he wasn't there. okay, later. give in, hildy -- you can't get away with it. where you hidin' him? grab her! she and mollie were talking. that's pretty rotten, hildy. crossing your own pals. right away now! -- nabbed williams hiding --