after ten million years on earth, and a rather large chunk of that time in england, it would be utterly humiliating if we didn't know how to make a decent pot of tea. sit, earthman. eat. that won't be necessary, slartibartfast. it looks like we won't be needing the new earth after all, now that we've found the only living native of the planet. we performed some rudimentary dna tests on the ship. she's half-native. her real father was a blahardid, the hyper- intelligent yet carelessly nomadic race native to the planet olbed, who apparently popped in to earth for a one-nighter with a one ms. francis mcmillan. we're sorry to have stage managed you so shamelessly, but once we learned you were the only full-blooded earthling in the universe, it was important that we get you here by any means necessary. sit, earthling. sit. this chair is much more -- comfortable. drink. good. glad you like it. now -- to business. about this ultimate question. you see, we've been offered a quite enormously fat contract to do the 5d tv chat show and lecture circuit, and quite frankly, we're very much inclined to take it. or at least, one that sounds ultimate. yes. to extract the question. we can replace it if you think it's important. an electronic brain maybe. don't worry. you won't feel a thing. hey, that's not bad. we don't want to be happy. we want to be rich. shoot him!!