what is this great task for which i, deep thought, the second greatest computer of all time have been called into existence? second greatest. yes. the milliard gargantubrain? a mere abacus, mention it not. the omnicognate neutron wrangler could argue all four legs off an arcturan megadonkey, but only i could persuade it to go for a walk afterwards. i am the greatest computer you are able to design without my help. which, one day, you are going to need. the answer. to what? the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything. yes. there is an answer. but i'll have to think about it. return to this place in exactly. seven and a half million years. can i help you? an answer for you? yes. i have. yes. there really is one. yes. though i don't think you're going to like it. you're really not going to like it. alright. the answer to the ultimate question . of life, the universe, and everything . is . forty two. i checked it thoroughly. it would have been simpler, of course, to have known what the actual question was. yes, but what actually is it? that's not a question. only when you know what the actual question will you know what the answer means. i can't. but there is one who can. a computer that is to come after me, one that i will design. a computer to calculate the ultimate question, one of such infinite complexity that life itself will form part of its operational matrix. and you yourselves shall take on new more primitive forms and go down into the computer to navigate its ten million year program. i shall design this computer for you. and it shall be called. shhh. this is a good bit. no. i've been watching tv. i designed another computer to perform that great task. not here. another world. it is another world. or was. ask your companion. not him. shhhhhh. the show's back on.