hi, guys, this is eddie your shipboard computer and i just know i'm gonna get a bundle of kicks out of any program you want to run through me. i'd be happy to! stand by, please. hey, guys, i'm just pleased as punch to report that it's a fleet of a hundred vogon battle destroyers. you must be super important to warrant such an effort, and gee am i impressed. they're sending a message. i'd be super happy to play it. sure thing, fella, but i should tell you we need proper authorization before entering a hyperspace expressway. hi, fella! checking!! thanks for waiting, everyone. i'm just tickled pink to tell you we are currently in orbit around the planet viltvodle 6. boys, please! not so rough. you're damaging my joystick. how, if you want me to take you somewhere, we're going to have to start using our magic words, "please" and "thank you." i'm wait-ing. yeeessss. magic words? i can see this relationship is something we're all going to have to work at. hi, fellas. hold on to your hats! guys, i'm just super happy to tell you we're approaching hyperspace exit gamma hang on, fella, and i'll check. guys, it just tickles me pink to tell you we are currently in orbit at an altitude of three hundred miles around the legendary planet of magrathea. goll-ee. happy to! guys, i'm delighted to tell you there are two thermonuclear missiles headed right for us. should i take evasive action? there seems to be something jamming my guidance systems. impact minus 45 seconds. call me eddie if it'll help you relax. sure thing, fellah. handing over manual control. good luck! at an improbability factor of eight million, seven hundred and sixty-seven thousand, one hundred and twenty-eight to one against.