hold your position, captain, until clearance is granted. get me the vice-president. hyperspace permission granted, captain. did they have proper hyperspace authorization? add that to their list of offences! blatant disregard for protocol. rules are rules, mr. vice president. and they are made to be followed. the provisions are clear. under subsection 37a these are the forces we deploy to protect the president in the case of an attempted or actual kidnapping- -- and these are the forces we deploy to apprehend any intentional or actual kidnapper. hence. i don't have ideas mr. vice president. i just do what i do. well, captain? i can see that. where are they? that is not a request to which i can respond, captain. should i pursue what? are you requesting hyperspace clearance so that you may pursue the fugitive? then you must say that, captain -- in request form. thank you. request acknowledged. await response. bring me the request to pursue fugitive forms. according to subsection 94b, paragraph 2, you're not authorized to make such an order. then act like a president, and do nothing. fire upon the kidnapper! cease fire! could that actually kill him? get her! bring her to vogsphere for processing, captain. my instructions were clear. "apprehend the kidnapper, rescue the president." we do them in that order. and until the kidnapper is properly processed, she isn't officially apprehended, now is she, mr. vice- president? these are the orders. now -- according to section 8, sub-section 34 dash a, the punishment for kidnapping is a recitation of the classic poem, "ode to the removal of your left kidney." unless -- said kidnapping is of the president, in which case you are to be fed to the ravenous bugblatter beast of traal. we thank you for your cooperation. you're free to go. release her. cancellation of the rescue of the president. now. {with menace) get me the apprehension of the president form. the president tests my patience. this time, i shall pursue him myself. ready my ship! my license is expired, mr. vice president. i can't fly with an expired license -- it's against the law. turn that off. cut to: mr. president! we are here for your protection!