four to one against and falling. probability factor of one to one. we have normality, i repeat we have normality. anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem. please relax. you will be sent for soon. can we put your ego aside for one moment? something important has happened. we have a couple of hitchhikers in our receiving bay. i didn't pick them up. the ship did. when you engaged the improbability drive. we picked them up in sector zz9 plural z alpha -- where you picked me up. no. just very, very improbable. don't. i'll send marvin. marvin! we have something to take your mind off things. i know. go down to the number two entry bay and bring the two aliens up here. yes. no, no, marvin, it's fine really. it's just part of life. everything okay? arthur? i know. and it was rude to just leave, but i told you i wanted to get away, and he had a spaceship parked outside, well, honestly -- i assumed you were a sort of stay-at-home-and-read-a book type. but you're here. are you all right? it is my name. i shortened it. computer? can you identify our pursuers? you okay? this way. i suppose i should have said it resembles tea. or your own space ship. come on, arthur, don't be like that. just be yourself. have some fun. does it hurt? i mean. i might have an aspirin. hey. what are they doing in there? can it keep? you might want to see this. because of this, obviously. definitely. i'm in. computer? what planet is that, please? i don't know. i'm not used to seeing him this way. clearly unlike any guy i've ever met. look, if you're going to pout your way around space, then maybe you should just go home. alright, follow me. she aims the can at zaphod's ear- arthur's face registers the madness of the moment. back off or i'll kill him, i swear i will! trillian. try tricia mcmillan. no. tricia imogene mcmillan of earth. earth. in the milky way? {remembering) um. galactic sector zz9 plural z alpha. destroyed? no -- that's impossible. i don't believe you. this is some sort of trick. zaphod wouldn't blow up a planet, especially mine. love and kisses? you bastard. you signed the order to destroy earth?! "love and kisses, zaphod?" i saw the form. you didn't even read it, did you? an entire planet, zaphod. my home. gone. all because you thought someone wanted your autograph! you knew. why didn't you tell me? get a backbone, arthur. exactly where we were, i think. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! give me that thing. back to: shoot him again. brilliant. a gun that makes people suddenly see things from your point of view. useful tool for the deranged evangelist trying to convert the masses, eh? we should get back. arthur's waiting. i do -- especially since we're both somewhat of an endangered species now. won't affect me. i'm already a woman. arthur! arthur, these are our hosts. benjy mouse and franky mouse . they control a large sector of the universe in our dimension . i'm sorry, i thought you were told about the mice. which explains a lot. we need that gun. now! let's go somewhere.