you blew it with her, earthman, so shut up or i'll kick you in the gones! you should teach your pal a lesson, ford. he's a guest on my ship. fine. get technical. they're after us! fire a gun! launch a missile! do some damage! fine! play it!! this people personality thing is gonna drive me nuts! can't you change it? leap to hyperspace! or else what? they'll send a hundred and one ships? do it! damn, i'm good. i'll pull your spleen out through your ass! this!! can you please change that zarking annoying voice!!? yeah, as if, apeman. humma kavula! humma kavula! humma kavula! you called me stupid! during the campaign, humma -- you said i was stupid. i don't care what you call yourself, you righteous freak!! you started the rumor that i'm stupid and you're gonna pay!!! nooo!!! idiot! zarking moron!! come back!! you need me!! come baaaaackkkk!!!!