amazing. she's normal, absolutely healthy. if you didn't know any better, you'd think nothing had happened to her. and remember, for every jonas salk, there are a bunch of guys who aren't famous cuz they died. kinda like a firecracker with a bad fuse. he's going to blow out his heart. holy shit. let's get him into recovery. hey. how's he doing? man, i'm tired. that was a long day. getting a pulse. dr. caine. what's up? going out? hey wait a sec! what do you mean going out for a bit? but you're not supposed to leave the compound. that's the rule. you can't just change it. shit. yeah, it's carter. we got a problem. look, this isn't a monkey we're talking about. it's dr. caine. don't you think you're over reacting? sure. all the time. the usual. hanging out in the girl's locker room. kicking jimmy margiani's ass. school asshole. drove a red trans am. back then, i was the size of a small planet and made a rather large target. sure. world domination. manipulating stock markets, consolidating a political power base. but those are more recent fantasies. i don't know, man. out in the real world. i mean, there's a responsibility. hell, i try and do that now. i read that in a survey at a major university they asked college students "would you steal if you were guaranteed to get away with it?" 82% said yes. so, doc what did you do? when you were out. aw, you just walked around? come on. there's more, right? man, i'd be walking up to people saying shit like "this is god, go,get a haircut." or hanging out in the changing room at victoria's secret. well, did you see anybody? yeah? and did you mess with her? hello? that's all twelve hours. well, it wasn't me. he's not in there. isn't it obvious? right now, we're the only ones who knows he exists. if he gets rid of us, no one knows and he becomes the most powerful man on earth. so what do we do until then. sit around waiting for him to kill us off? you sure this'll work. let's do it. it's me. nothing. he couldn't. there. behind those pipes. he's not moving. covered. h. help. mmmmphg