sorry, boss. forgot. sebastian glance up at a glass booth overlooking the laboratory floor. two people in the booth. we are live and in color. on your mark. frank and janice looks down on their colleagues. sebastian nods their way. subject isabelle two. currently in phase shift. one hundred twenty six days, eighteen hours. confirmed. vitals still in the normal range. are you nuts? yeah. pretty sure he was. to put your affairs in order? okay, kids. let's make some history. listen up! electric activity increasing in all limbs. brainwaves are through the roof. maybe it can't. electrical activity is stabilizing. i feel like we're playing marco polo. no worries. i'm on it. recording. subject doctor sebastian caine. currently in phase shift. three days, seven hours. vitals still nominal. okay. i'm here if you need me. quiet. he worked in the lab till about 10:30 and then went to sleep. pretty clever really. all it does is recycle the signal. he flips this switch, it takes a snapshot and that's all we see. dogs aren't people. are we in any danger? already in. it was only a second level encryption. oh the system is fine. it's just i'm just extraordinary. there's nothing wrong with the system. our codes have been removed. here's a clue. only one code remains. dr. sebastian caine. doctor caine? did you find him? what happened? i don't understand. but he's not a killer. it'd take hours to crack the encryptions. if the room temperature is the same as his body temperature, thermal visors'll be no good. linda. it's not safe. but. he'll be okay. he's got to be okay. where are you going? but. sarah, wait for the others sarah! sarah! goddamnit. stay with me now. don't you let up. sarah! sarah! she went to the supply room. carter needed blood. she didn't listen. her too? yeah? and just what are we supposed to do now? come on, matt. let's go get the elevator back on-line so we can got out of this hell hole.