the elevator doors open and sebastian steps out. he s met by sarah kennedy, early thirties, a fiery red-head. as they walk down the corridor toward the lab. sebastian, still in his latex and scrubs, but looking like he's been dragged through the nine levels of purgatory, is escorted back to the recovery chamber by linda and matt. janice heads up one of the corridors when something on the floor catches her eye. she bends down and takes a look at it. barely visible on the floor is a fragment of a barefoot footprint. the group moves quickly, passing under an air vent. as they round the corner the vent slowly swings down and an air disturbance drops to the ground. a shadow edges down the tunnel. it settles for a moment, disappearing completely, then is back on the move. at the tunnel's edges, motion detectors light up as the thing passes by. matt and carter move cautiously, listening for any sound. matt makes his way forward. matt scrambles away. running. pipes burst and swing down from the ceiling. steam billows forth. something moves through the cloud of steam. matt takes a few steps back. linda pulls matt along. just outside the lab. linda tries to pry open the sealed doors with the crowbar. but she can't.