linda and matt, wearing thermal goggles and clutching tranquilizer pistols, walk down the hallway, scanning back and forth. matt and linda head toward the lab. matt turns to face the corridor. it's turning red. matt sees some movement in the thermal cloud. opens fire. but the thermal signature disappears into the heat. matt can't distinguish anything through his goggles anymore. he pulls them off and holds him gun in front of him sweeping the hallway. sarah exits the lab. checks the corridor. down at the end of the cramped tunnel is the supply room. the three of them approach the supply room door slowly. blood trickles from under the door and bloody footprints extend down the hallway. sarah, broken, is dragged toward the chair, eerily jerking down the hallway. seemingly on its own. the three scientists follow the bloody footprints down the hallway past the empty cages in the tunnel of habitats. sebastian heads down the corridor. lingering steam twists in and around the hallway, long wispy tendrils. sebastian pauses for a moment, hearing a growl. suddenly the hallway seems a lot scarier. from beneath his scrubs he pulls his own tranq gun. he listens . hearing scraping and footsteps. watching the water on the floor twitch. with machine like precision, he turns and fires. the tranq dart halts in mid-air and some invisible thing tumbles over. sebastian exits the lab, locking the door behind him. he heads down the darkened tunnel. something scampers in front of him. small, not visible. sebastian sends it reeling with a swift violent kick.