the glowing liquid turns from gold to red as the complex webbing of a bloodstream appears. sebastian shoots matt a look. sebastian screams in dire pain. he struggles against his restraints as his skin liquefies into a muscular mass. it's like something's eating away at him. gruesome. the yells become louder and more painful to hear. the glowing liquid turns from gold to red as the complex webbing of a bloodstream appears. frank and carter search the lab with their thermal scopes. frank and sarah lift carter onto a medical table. sebastian enters, fully dressed. at a distance it'd be hard to tell his secret. he pulls several chemicals off the shelves. then he pulls a tray of test tubes over and begins mixing. sebastian loads the filled test tubes into the centrifuge. dozens of other vials are already slotted. he takes one of the left over vials, considers it a moment and then flings it over to the other side of the lab. the vial shatters and. the centrifuge spins faster and faster. the vials are starting to rattle. the centrifuge's whine has reached a fevered pitch. the vials shake violently.