sebastian, do you know what time it is? what is it this time? intercut: sebastian s bedroom sebastian peers at the image of linda in the computer window. he notices something behind her in the bed, the young man sleeping face down. not your business. not anymore. so you calling about anything in particular, or were you just hoping to catch me sleeping in the nude? you cracked it? you sure? eleven months with no progress and you suddenly come up with it out of the blue? how? i hate you. yeah, i think i can find him. what are you going to do? hey. come on. dr. matthew kensington, late 20s too, stirs from under sheets. sebastian just called. we gotta get to the lab. matt bolts up. give me some credit, will ya. he cracked reversion. matt pulls his jeans on. we better take our own cars. i know. it s just you re his best friend. he ll feel betrayed. you okay? yeah. she s become a lot more aggressive in the last few days. linda takes the goggles from matt. linda go take care of that bite. i ll get her. knock it off. isabelle! thermal pov - dark hallway. movement. a red shimmering heat signature. it comes running at linda. howling. linda fires. a t-dart flies. thwack. it stops in mid-air. then falls. but it doesn t hit the floor. instead, it stops inches above the ground. thermal pov - the heat signature lies in a heap at linda s feet. what s that make it? but i m catching up. you said you wanted the beat vet in the country. maybe that s why she s so good. testing de-phase protocol. injecting serial protein caine one two five. linda removes a glowing vial of orange liquid from a centrifuge nearby. propped. come on, isabelle. you can do this. sebastian lowers the hypo. the skin bonds and gives. the needle remains in sight after it slips through the visible surface. matt presses down on the hypo plunger, releasing a dye into his bloodstream. the gold liquid twists into a long snaking tube up and down the limb. it s the shape of a vein. the liquid begins to react. small flashes of light blip up and down the strand of color. ba-bump. ba-bump. the heartbeat starts to speed up. it s working. it s actually working. matt pulls the sheet back. muscles are beginning to appear. and eyeballs. frightened eyeballs. subject may be in pain or extreme discomfort. got the crash cart. carter charges the crash cart and rolls it in. clear! linda slams the paddles on the monkey s chest. the jolt of electricity makes the monkey visible again for a brief moment. then the skin and flesh fade away again. come on isabelle. come on. you can do it. you can fucking do it. everybody s pulling for her. welcome back, isabelle. sebastian puts his hand on linda s shoulder. a move that does not go unnoticed by matt. we did it. we should celebrate. i thought you'd gone. a little "i am become death. the shatterer of worlds"? since the day i met, all you wanted to do was change the world. you're positively maudlin. you should be happy. do you have any idea what you've accomplished? nothing. it's just. he is who he is. sometimes i just have to be reminded. i'm sure he had a reason. you did have a reason, didn't you, sebastian? it's their money, sebastian. it's going to happen eventually. sebastian . humans can talk, build houses and cook in microwave ovens. gorilla's live in trees. that's a helluva 2% if you ask me. why you? why not one of us? what if you're too valuable to lose? in the past six years, i've never once challenged your decisions, but this . sebastian. i don't think you should do this. oh please. how long were we together? you must've said it a million times . nobody knows who built the lunar lander. all they remember in the first man on the moon. he refuses to listen to reason. sorry. i just can't let it go. so how can we let him do this? in a heartbeat. let me ask another question. is the human race really ready for what we're doing? no really. is it ready? we're barrelling down a road that begs moral and ethical questions that i don't think we can answer. this night is still young. i mean, when you think about it, it's creepy. do we really want to live in a world where people can just disappear in the blink of an eye? o.k. how're you feeling? start recording. subject: male, age 29, weight 166 lbs. we can still shut down, sebastian. injection was administered at . 18:23:47. nothing's happening. maybe we overlooked something. frank? here we go. what do you feel? keep talking. keep talking! prop the crash cart. we can't! bio-quantum phase shift occurred at 18:26. no. he passed out from the trauma. you did it, sebastian. you're the first. his breathing's hypnotic. how long's it been? where are the others? i keep looking at that hole, wondering if he's really there. your eyelids are transparent. yes. your arms . your whole body. it worked, sebastian. it worked. your system received quite a shock. sebastian. sebastian? gimme symptoms. dizziness, nausea, headache, body-ache, disorientation. why don't you ask him? he can't close his eyes so they're sensitive to light. c'mon sebastian. knock it off. it's late. time you got some rest. hate to pull rank, but you're my patient now and you need rest. we've got a busy day tomorrow. we've set up a thermal camera for observation and i've arranged one of us to be here 24. 7 in case you need anything. the team's gonna be on alpha- call alert for the duration. if anything goes wrong, we can all be here within. i was trying to be reassuring. what's that? please. i'm just doing my job. you gonna be okay? carter'll be in at six to spell you and i'll be in by nine. call me if anything happens, okay? days only get longer from here. why didn't you call me? i can talk to him. sebastian? goddamnit. that's what worries me.? what happens when we turn the project over to the army. ever wonder how much fun they're gonna have? stop it, sebastian. it's not funny. grow up. got some sleep. big day tomorrow. recording? de-phase protocol. injecting serial protein caine one two seven. tough. what's wrong? carter! he's reverting. got him on the table. sebastian. can you hear me? can you hear me? how are his pupils? guess so. i was just thinking about the apollo missions. y'know? grissom, white and chaffee. what it was like for them on that launch pad that day, thinking they were gonna reach the stars only to burn to death. but he didn't die, did he? what if we can't bring him back? what then? no. i want to be here for him. hey. you almost died. i should be making you feel better. not vice versa. you could almost pass for human. could be the barium or the radiation. do you want me to stay? i'll meet you at the lab. i'm gonna swing by his place, just in case. i don't want him to see. sebastian? sebastian? oh shit. use your imagination. the metro stops running after midnight and he's on foot, so he can't have gotten too far. this program is classified. if he's out there it means someone might find out about him. he could destroy the whole program. bullshit! i went to your apartment and i happen to know you did a helluva lot more than pick some stuff up. you, of all people how could you? i saw your face and your clothes. that's not good enough. when you're outside the lab there are a thousand variables none of us can control. it's just not safe for you to be out there. you volunteered for this, sebastian. you knew going in there could be consequences. for the security of this project, i'm gonna have to ask you to confine yourself to the compound. you're right. it's your decision. but if you leave the compound again, i'll notify the oversight committee. then they can make the decision. you understand? pack 'em up. everyone go home. hold still. not enough to worry about. what are you talking about? i didn't ask for this, caine. but when a classified experiment disappears in the middle of the night, someone's gotta run the show. look, i know how hard this has been for you. now it's a gift? where're you going? want to talk about it? "we are the hollow men, the stuffed men, headpieces filled with straw." i don't want to fight you. i just want what's best for the program. you can be scared. that's okay. you're talking like you've given up. it's only been a few months. that's all we need. i'll go talk to him. good morning. i restructured the third genome on your radiated protein strand. thought you might want to take look. i thought you'd want to take a look at it. i'm telling you, i know him. something's going on. if he knew about us, he'd be angry and that wasn't angry. it's fine. i just didn't know you were there. goodnight. what was it? thanks. no, just checking. 'kay, bye. phew. he never left the room. are we sure? quiet night at home. maybe a book. he's still in the picture. why? maybe someday i will. see you in the morning. forgot something. asshole. either way, we aren't equipped to handle this. we have to inform the committee. they'll go after him. who has tonight's shift? pretend nothing's wrong. everyone just do what you're doing so he doesn't become suspicious. okay? matt and i'll go tell doctor kramer and we'll lot the committee deal with it. thank you, sir. oh, sorry. i. i'm in a hurry. when did he say held call? i'm gonna call him. he's dead. drowned in his pool last night. i'll be right back with help. foster one delta eight three five. that's a first. foster one delta eight three five. tell me this isn't happening. we've got a problem. there's no set check in procedure. it could be weeks. whose? okay, sebastian. fun's over. tell us where you are. sebastian. where are you? c'mon sebastian. you're scaring me. tell me where you are and we can talk about it. sebastian! sebastian! i want search parties. thermal goggles and tranquilizers. sebastian? there's something over there. she was strangled. multiple blows to her head. gimme that. shhh. janice is dead. it's clear. he wasn't. he is now. no. we find him, before he finds us. we designed it to help find the rats we kept dropping in year one. they were too small for thermal scans. i've got movement in corridor six. check. check. take a right at the next accessway. he's working his way back to the offices. i lost him. matt, i lost him. right on top of you. matt, he's coming toward you. got outta there. he's close! he's coming right at you! twenty, maybe thirty feet. those signatures . they're coming from the heating vents. get out of there! i'm going! that's why i'm going. corridor eight is clear. get carter to the lab. we'll meet you there. do it. i know. he's gone. habitats. he's let the animals out. it wasn't him we were tracking. me . don't ask about me. if he freed all the animals, we could have dozens running around the lab. get to the lab, lock the goddamn doors and pray to god frank can reprogram the elevator. where is she? i said no one goes anywhere alone. he's dead. oh god. sarah! this didn't happen. this hasn't happened. he's here! sebastian! you goddamn bastard! you goddamn bastard. you're gonna pay for this. i'm going to bring you back to visibility and then i'm going throw your ass in jail. fuck you! shut up, sebastian. he's more of a man than you'll ever be. sebastian? sebastian? no. no. jesus! no! you won't get away with this. they'll find out about you. they'll hunt you down. how can you be so brutal? just keep going. i'll fix you later. matt. matthew. stay with me now. shhh. don't talk. you feel that? your losing blood, but he didn't hit the vitals. goddamnit. this is temporary. just keeps getting worse. oh shit. there's got to be. matt! matt! sebastian! aaaaaaahhhh! you wanna see god? i'll show you god. nitro. he's rigged the centrifuge. grab on. fuck you. give me your hands. climb! climb! keep moving. oh god! move! c'mon. before it slips. get off me. let go of me. go to hell. we lived.