that little shit! hi lucy?. did i wake you?. have you read the post?. they've got a little item about me and fiske. he's saying i fired him and that i faked the new circulation figures. ha, ha. oh, please. it's the last act of a desperate gnome. set up a phone call with don farlow for 9:30. it's me. hi. i should be in by two. sure. what's grace up to? i'm sorry about last night. i shouldn't have brought it up over the phone. i don't know. we'll figure it out. yeah. bye. don! my love, how are you? did you hear about fiske?. no, suing is too civilized. can't we get your friend at le cirque to serve him a fatal piece of poached salmon?. ha, ha. that's even better. so what did you say to her? all right, all right, all right. kevin, good job. write the interview. if i don't like it, you may have to sleep with her for a follow-up! now. i'm thinking about another fashion designer spread. who's news out there? quiet. quiet! david? everyone. working overtime. just for you. yes. we're suing. david, he signed an agreement that he wouldn't talk to the press and he's libeled me by saying i faked the figures. you're not going soft on me, are you? exactly. yeah?. hi. i made the 1:00 so. what!? what about grace? where is she now? surgery! for what-? which leg? that bag's almost empty. robert, you leave it up these people! excuse me, my daughter needs a new i'd like it taken care of now please. you have to keep on top of these people or else they just sit on their -- tch. what are you -- her leg was shattered so they had to, uh. remove it. she had some bleeding but it's under control. wait, uh, i, i don't understand. start again -- he's alive. well, of course, right. hold on, liz. something about pilgrim. -- put him down. she says. liz, listen, the doctor's here and i just can't, uh. talk now. so -- - see, what you can do for him --. i just don't know right now! do whatever you can and when grace is -- and i can say the same thing about my daughter! but she is suffering! can you solve that problem! i can't deal with this now, liz! if you need a yes or no right now, then no -- don't do it! not until i know grace is all right. now, please! just do what you can. okay? please. what did he say? i'm going to get all the nurses' names. it's good to know all their names. i should go get some of her things. no, i'll go. you stay. in case she wakes up. we're very lucky. okay. oh. right. i'll call him. "she's loves the theatre but never comes sing it to me, frankie! you can hardly get your arms around me. how depressing. you're so early. aw. that's so sweet. do you? do you really? liz is taking care of him. the doctor said the sooner you start therapy the better the chances are you can -- did you get her fresh towels? why don't you go lie down? you've got to stop doing that? helping all the time! running to her every time she trips or falls. anticipating her all the time. do you want any help? dad'll pick you up today, all right? you'll be fine. i don't care what he told you! the man's a liar! the man's an actor, for christ's sake. they're all liars! they'll say anything to get a cover. oh, honey. what happened? oh. well, what are you going to do? you have to go to school, honey. i mean, what -- grace, listen to me. your body is just healing. you have to give the rest of you time as well. you are not staying home all day feeling sorry for yourself. you're going to get up and you're going to figure this out. it's still early. what's your next class? no. "it was in america that horses first roamed" "a million years before the birth of man, they grazed the vast empty plains of grass and crossed to other continents over bridges of rocks. they first knew man as the hunted knows the hunter, for long before man saw horses as a means to killing other beasts, man killed them for meat" ". the alliance with man would forever be fragile -- for the fear he'd struck into their hearts was too deep to be dislodged. since that neolithic moment when a horse was first haltered, there were those among men who understood this" ". they could see into the creature's soul and soothe the wounds they found there" ". for secrets uttered softly into troubled ears, these men were known as the whisperers" you know it's perfectly shot, it's perfectly cropped, it's perfectly laid out and i'm so bloody bored, i'd rather buy a motor racing magazine -- start over. uh, would you all excuse me a moment? this is annie maclean. oh! yes. thank you for calling back. uh, all right, let me try to explain my situation as briefly as possible. you see, my daughter had an accident with her horse. they were both injured and she, my daughter, she hasn't been able to. fully. uh. it was an extremely traumatic experience. and uh. i went on the internet and found this article about you. it says you're a horse whisperer, that you. you help people with horse problems. and you have quite a success rate when it comes to traumatized -- well, you know, however you want to put it -- i got your information from the publisher of the article. i called montana and your sister-in-law, i think, gave me this number. i'm been hot on your trail you could say because i was hoping you'd consider coming to new york and taking a look at my daughter's horse and possibly -- well, if you could just come for the day. new york's only a few hours by plane, i'd have you home by dinner. i'll pay you for your fare. i'll send you to montana first class. mr. booker, if i could just ex -- grace? grace, it's mom. grace. what are you doing? i brought it to you in the hospital. grace, i put it on the table near your -- have you decided about pilgrim? well. how you feel all right about telling liz to put him down. i think that's. very compassionate and. mature way of looking at it. yeah? what? how was the dinner? why did you go? yeah. no. about us going someplace warm. someplace grace'll have to wear shorts or bathing suits or summer dresses. robert, i want to take pilgrim out to mr. booker. drive him out to montana. with grace. he did, but. i think i can change his mind. robert, grace isn't adjusting to school. and she can't sit in this apartment all day. i think it would be good for her. i've called liz. they can set me up with a trailer for pilgrim. i thought we'd stay at motels along the way. no. i was just researching. calm down. i'm not asking you to. i'll do it. he'll be sedated. i know horses, robert. i'm the one who taught grace how to ride. i'm in charge. i went back very soon after the accident. they didn't expect me for a couple of months. i'll just take that time now. i can still oversee things from montana. take my fax. my computer. why?! i can't say he's been all that effective with her. i don't care what he says! we have to do something, robert! i can't sit here and trust everything's going to work out just by pretending it will. what? robert, we're losing her. we're losing her. i don't care what the doctors say. the truth is, they don't know anymore than we do -- less, when it comes to grace. this may not sound sensible or. logical, but nobody's suggesting anything better. i can't explain it, robert. i just have this feeling. this annoying. bloody feeling that if. if, somehow, pilgrim can be made all right. then so can grace. i just know it! she will if you think she should. no, that's not what i said. i'm not a dictator. if you feel you should come, then come. just do whatever you think is right. maybe we should give him another sedative. of course not. you want to take your bath? we have to get up early tomorrow. you may not have enough time to -- no, i don't mean you have to. it's just that we may not have enough -- look, if you want to take it in the morning, that's fine. what, sweetheart? what? it's sleeping in a strange bed, that's all. happens sometimes. it's ok. it's ok. okay, listen -- let's do this. when i get to the next motel, i'll see if they have a fax. if not, i'll call you tomorrow to -- uh lucy, look, i have to go. ok. later. grace! grace! would you like to put your music on up here? fine! fine! "whatever you want!" well, this is what i want. i want to eat lunch and i want to smoke a cigarette and i want to keep talking to myself for the next two thousand fucking miles"! you should call your dad before it gets too late. oh. you didn't tell me. you don't. grace, look! would you like to see that? i don't care. this'll be nice. we haven't seen any of the sights yet. it's history. when i was thirteen i used to love seeing things like this. how long is this going to go on? you know what i mean? is this it now? is this the way we're going to be from now on? do you want us to turn around and go back home? do you? who do you think i'm doing this for? i'm doing this for you! i don't believe this! that's not true! whatever problems your father and i are having, have nothing to do with this. did he tell you that? that's not true! it's. it's not that simple to explain. i know you think it is, but it's not. the truth is, i don't really know what i want to do. i don't have all the answers. yes. fine. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. you buckled up? you cold? don't they believe in signs here? there was supposed to be a turn off. did i miss it? after left, stay on main road until rise, then. what bloody rise?!? what main road!? hello, mr. booker. annie maclean. from new york. we talked on the phone. it's, uh. beautiful country. i had a little bit of a hard time finding the place. there are no signs. well. ok. here it is. uh. i'd like you to take a look at my horse. now -- it won't take long and if, after that, you still don't feel. oh no. she's here. i brought him along. and my daughter, too. we're staying at peterson's. well. yes. i had a trailer. it's not like i made him run along side of the car. look! please! don't do the "shucks, ma'am" thing again! i've driven a few thousand miles for a few minutes of your time. i've brought him here -- to your neck of the. -- mountains. just take a look at him. if you still feel the same way, i'll be on the road by morning and you'll never see me again. ok? deal? we're at peterson's. whenever you're free. you don't even have to call. sorry about that. hi. grace, this is mr. booker. have you looked at pilgrim? you want us to come with you? i just have to run to the main house and give mr. peterson a check. grace?. grace, you want to come with us, take a look at pilgrim? well. you're closest anyone's gotten. well, that'll be a little complicated -- look, i'll talk to grace and call you later-- the phone company's putting in extra lines. i'll call back with the numbers. oh, and i want you to get in touch with this lady in town here -- they say she's sort of a physical therapist for the rodeo boys but keep the one at the hospital we already contacted on call. what's he doing? how's it going? i though horses were afraid of water? is that to get his strength back? mr. booker, i'm not at all comfortable with you taking those kinds of chances. oh, god! she's running away! how are you going to get him back? so what now? should we leave? well, we're going to go then. you ready to go? hello, mr. booker. oh, hello, frank. this is annie maclean. i was wondering, has-. uh-huh. and pilgrim?. still?. uh-huh. okay then. thank you. he's still sitting in that damn field. let's go see what's going on, then get something to eat. would you mind if i did? i'd like to talk to him. uh, no, we're going to dinner. is this the way to the pasture? but i have business calls i have to -- oh uh, thank you. no, we don't want to impose. you know, that's interesting. i always wondered when i went into a restaurant what was the difference between a regular steak or a black angus steak. i couldn't taste any difference although i could swear one was more tender. i didn't know there was that big a difference between cows. i've never been on a cow farm before. i must say, the bulls seem to have the best time of it. just laying around the fields all day until they're asked to. do their. work. it's fine. comfortable. i still can't get used to how dark it gets around here, though. when we leave the ranch, i always hold my breath until i can see the motel. oh, i don't know. well, it's worth it, really? i mean, how much longer do you think you need to work with pilgrim? hi. yeah. she seems to be getting more comfortable on the ranch, which is why i said yes to this move. but, whenever it's just the two of us, i don't know. anyway. what's happening with the delco lawsuit? well, it's good that you're there. yeah, but nothing i can't handle. lucy tells me she thinks gottchalks's plotting, but what else is new. you know, i just asked that myself tonight. he doesn't know. okay. i know. we miss you too. night. you already did. yeah, he's going to think about it. you want me to pack for you? grace? the clinic just called. they had to change your physical therapy appointment. we have to leave now. mr. booker. you got everything you need? honey, come on. would you like to stay in town for dinner? maybe see what movie's playing tonight? no. i just thought. forget it. branding? i haven't branded in years. uh, i don't, honey. branding? oooh. i think we'd just be in mr. booker's way. okay. try not to fall off your high horse, mr. booker. it is cocktail hour yet? well, i was born in london, but my father was an ambassador and we moved constantly. i've lived in a lot of places but i don't really know what i'd call home. he was a wonderful man. what happened? i'll drink to that. where does this go, diane? is this mr. booker? tom's grandfather? she calls him tommy. i got a little confused though. the ranch ellen was talking about -- that's not this one? don't be so sure it's my last. there are a few people back home i'd like to put under a red hot iron. thank you. what? you stand still too long in new york you get hit by a bicycle messenger. you know, sometimes, i get the feeling, mr. booker, that you're laughing at me. why is that? that's your cue to say you're not laughing at me. it's a man's world, mr. booker. most women have to. well. it's beautiful country, i'll give you that. and i could see having some kind of vacation place. retreat. but i don't know how you do it full time. don't you miss the rest of the world? ha. if you've never lived in a city with museums, theater, music, restaurants, uh. god, a million things, then it's something i can't explain. you lived in chicago? you were married to a woman in chicago? well, i, uh. you didn't. hello? oh, robert, i'm sorry. we were so tired from the branding. grace barely made it to her bed and i didn't have the energy to take my clothes off. everything all right. fine. actually, today was a good day. you should have seen her. about what? oh. i didn't look at my faxes today. we left before sunrise. i've decided it's impossible to properly say hello in this place without a hat. i don't jog, mr. booker. i run. if i can survive rush hour, i figure i can handle grizzlies. i don't sleep all right anywhere. but the house is fine. who's r.b.? i found this old cello case filled with bills and receipts. i thought you lived in chicago? i have a way with animals. oh yes. i forgot. he's beautiful. she did? i don't know, really. no time mostly. i thought it was supposed to be spring. are you shy, mr. booker? you too. shit. i can handle it! david, we've been behind a day or two before. but lucy just fedexed me all the material and it'll be approved by the end of the day. oh, come on! this is such bullshit! the work is getting done, david. lucky keeps me on top of everything. what the hell does that mean? how much more do i have to do to prove how important this magazine is to me? uh, yes. sure, david. thank you. you're all doing too much. oh. well. thank you very much. i don't -- sorry. hello? hi, yeah, i just spoke to him. oh, you know david, mr. strong arm. oh-oh. the answer's no. poor thing. is this how you're going to make me pay my phone bill? yeah, it's been a while, but i. i remember the basic ideas. actually, i never rode western. i'm sorry. go ahead. thanks. yeah. it's a whole other world you have going on here. it just goes along, doing what it has to. and you're a part of it, you just wake up and, and there you are. and everything that seems like life or death some place else -- doesn't affect any of this one bit. how long did you live here with your wife? son? how did you meet her? why didn't it work out? it is. it's lovely. we did at one point. when we thought we'd have more children. and we after tried. we tried everything, but. wasn't meant to be. that's very important to you, isn't it? home. how did you find out all that? honey, would you see if anybody wants -- you look really pretty. well, one was for salad. you're right. good. does anybody out there want something to drink? thanks, honey. shit! not really. i'd forgotten how long it's been since i've done this. and i couldn't get any parmesan cheese. i am comfortable. you missed a button. thank you. oh, good, grace, would you bring in the bread. i'll get the salad and then we're all set. well, did you ever think about hiring a business manager? it's pretty impressive. where i come from, you'd be a gold mine. absolutely. i made enough for an army. it's okay. grace, show them. i'm going to put the coffee on. i made an apple tart for dessert. well. i know i should reject that offer, but i'm not going to. i was there for that shot, actually. oh, god -- i think it was the fourth or fifth time i'd been there, so all i remember was the heat and how incompetent the photographer was. but, uh, egypt is, well, it's like nothing else. it's like going back in time. i remember as a kid trying to imagine what a kid my age, centuries ago, walking over that same ground, was wondering about or, if they had the same problems as me. and i felt, connected to. to time itself, almost. ha, i never realized how hard it was to describe. you and frank ever take a vacation? what does he mean? did you go riding? did grace try to ride, joe? grace? is everything all right? can we talk? well. so you tried riding again? honey, nobody's trying to cure you -- what are you talking about? grace, i don't hate your father. i was just trying to say thank you to diane and frank and -- look, i just wanted to say, i think it's great you're riding again. and. and i think i know why you, you needed to do it alone. without anyone knowing. stop it! why can't i talk to you!! what?! how can you -- i'm sorry if my friendship with tom bothers you so much, but i happen to value having someone to talk to, especially when my own daughter ignores me night and day because no matter what i say, it's wrong and no matter what i do, it's wrong. i'm sorry i'm such a disappointment to you. i don't deserve that. i have never looked at you as a disappointment. if i'm on your back to do better, if i push you to try harder it's because i want you to be the best you can be. listen, if. if there's a part of you as parent that. that takes pride in your child -- that, you can look at them and see something you've accomplished as well. if that's wrong, then i'm sorry. but it wasn't my intention. i don't push for me. i do it for you. so you don't waste half your life feeling like you don't know where you belong. well, then i do apologize. but what i'm most sorry for is turning you into a spoiled brat who can only think about what she's feeling. who can't admit when she's wrong and who can't forgive when she's not. what did you say? started what? when? tonight? what?. oh baby. that's not true. because you are. one of the most. incredible, bravest, most beautiful woman i have ever met. the efforts you make. your courage and your dignity. i don't know where you got it? i honestly don't know how i would have handled all this if i were you. what? sshhh. ssshhhh. hello? yes. oh. oh, yes. one moment, please. uh, nothing. i'm going to pick it up in the other room -- would you hang this up for me? okay, grace. operator?. i'm ready. well, i have more than a few days, ha, ha. i uh. i'm sort of. not an editor anymore. right now. first time i've said it out loud. no, it's more like a leave of- ha, ha, ha. yeah, they fired me. delayed shock. or maybe not. i know i could talk my way back if i wanted or. go to another magazine, someplace. just not sure if i want to. did you always know this was the life you wanted? frank's a good man. sounds like something tom would say. what? i don't think anybody can make tom do anything he didn't want. this is mr. booker, robert. let's bring your bags inside. is there anything you need? i'm going food-shopping. no, no, i'll go -- just give me a list. oh, how sweet. you're allergic to hay. you don't have to explain. you have every right to come. no, it's okay. believe me, there were plenty of times i didn't know what the hell was right. let's not talk about that now. robert! let him handle it! please! what?! it's so cruel. what choice!!? i already know the way. and it's not like i have a job i have to rush home for. between you and me, i could use the time alone. it's just one night. if i get uncomfortable, i'll go over to hanks. promise. you too, diane. are you going to stay in the city or go up to connecticut? probably first thing in the morning. it's too late to start now. i'm going to try not to do too much driving in the dark. yeah, what? what do you mean? you look like something's wrong. i don't understa- what's the matter, honey? gonna miss pilgrim? well. honey. you know. that's just not his way. maybe you can write him a letter or something. say thank you. don't think about it. you take care and i'll see you home. why do i get the feeling you know what i should do, but you're not telling me? i won't ask you to. oh, god, what are we going to do? i'm supposed to -- show me again. one more time. i don't care! we'd be together. i can't do this. i can't leave you. i won't. how thoughtful of you. and what if i decide not to go? leave me alone! no!. no!. you don't decide this!. no!. why? then what have we been doing? i mean what was the point? why? can we go for one more ride? hi. um, there doesn't seem to be any hotel room available and someone told me to come here and ask for "tubab" who might to have a place for me to stay. are you "tubab"? what do you mean? oh, i miss you. you look beautiful. how's everything? hi. mmm. i made good time. pilgrim's in the back. i found a new stable, but they can't take him until tomorrow. go ahead. i have so much to tell you. where to?