sure. as long as she don't mind. that's what some folks say. you know her? oh hell, i don't know. according to tom, she's a pretty determined woman. must've thought it was worth it. mixed salad. i believe women from new york eat mixed salads. ain't that right, tom? weekend after next. tom? dear lord, we are humbly thankful for. these gifts. for the blessings on our home, our family and our guests. bless those that aren't as fortunate. bless all god's creatures. bank out us a couple more men to run the cattle. tell her they suit the weather better. their udders are black, 'stead of pink. our daddy raised pure herefords. well, get born a bull, got a ninety percent chance of getting castrated and served up as hamburger. on a balance i reckon i'd choose being a cow. would you mind passing that salad young lady? you know, tom, while you're working on that horse of theirs, annie and grace should move into the old creek house. nobody's using it. silly for her to be driving back and forth when she don't know her way around that well. well, i know peterson's. old place is as good as falling down around your ears. it's got doors, diane. private as can be. tom? we used to call diane's mother medicine woman. none of us never went to the doctor when she was alive. not much would have helped him. huh, joe here has something to say. now son, you tell 'em when it came from. and next time, miss annie, you can run down the calves. it'd be a whole lot easier to pay the feed end of the month. we have a business manager. the best around. i'll have another round of that spaghetti if may? thank you. dinner was delicious. thank you. say thank you!! play that sweet one you know. the one makes my wife here so friendly. we thought we lost him in the snow storm. told the kids. had a funeral for the damn thing. finally, snow stops. staring to warm up. i go out and start cleaning the truck. goddamn if that dog doesn't jump out from the back seat covered in snow. i nearly stained myself. what were you doing over in india? that right? he'll be okay, grace. just you hang on there a minute or two. tom'll get him, okay, you'll see. it'll be ok, grace. he's trying to get him to go down on his knees. no. he had the choice. either fight the way things are or accept it. diane!