hello? hi. so, what, uh, what train are you taking? okay. you want me to pick you up? riding with judith. that's okay. we have to talk about it and we're not always in the same place . so. i just have to get used to it. what do you want to do about dinner? okay. we'll see you later then. hello? paul, hi -- are you guys back? how was it? oh that sounds great. oh paul. hold on. judith's dead. she was in pretty bad shape. they've done a c.a.t. scan -- she has some hemorrhaging. annie, her leg was shattered -- what they call the distal epi. epi. they have to take the leg off. what difference does it make? no, it's got a little left. they'll be in to change it. i'm sorry. thank you. what is it? yes. hi. tell her you'll call her back. nothing new. he's just going off duty. no, let me go. i saw judith's parents while you were at the apartment. i wanted to say something. but i. i was so relieved that grace was still. that it wasn't our daughter. the funeral's on friday. oh, uh, i meant to tell you. alex brought that fabric over. it's on the table by the phone. i didn't know what to tell him. . whether or not we were. . if we still we're thinking of redoing the couch. and uh. mario called about moving the wisteria? "she loves the free" ". fresh, wind in her hair. life how's my pregnant chick! i had to excuse myself from a meeting. it's ridiculous. i kept thinking about the baby. you. and, i swear, i was going to start bawling right into my briefs. i love you. hi, sweetheart. no, not yet. the doctor said whenever you're ready. take your time. you tell us. but he thinks it'll only be a few months, then -- ok, ok. do you want something else, honey? we order something else? you want to watch some television? doing what? you know, annie, this didn't just happen to you. honey, you all right? did something fall? what, sweetheart? she's doing just grea. aren't you kiddo? all our "favorite" people were there saying all their "favorite" things about their "favorite" subjects. i thought to myself, we've been friends with these people almost twenty years and nobody knows anybody. we're so afraid we won't like each other and have nobody go to dinners with. they're still our friends, annie. it's nothing serious. you kid about them all the time. and i could tell paul really appreciated me being there. did you get a hold of that horse guy? what did he say? i was thinking. maybe we should think about the three of us going someplace warm. remember that house we rented in bermuda. the pink one with the -- shit. what was i saying? i don't understand. you just said he said no. that's the craziest thing i ever heard. absolutely not. no! what are you -- you're serious about this? you've already made arrangements!? i come home and you tell me we're going to drive a psychotic horse to montana! i can't just pick up and leave. you want to do this by yourself? how? you can't take care of pilgrim all the -- what. bo-. what about the magazine? no. it's, uh. no, i really don't think it's a good idea her psychiatrist. said. she needs security now. stability. are you a psychiatrist? he said it takes time. i'm not pretending anything! i thought. well, ever since the accident, i just thought we. i really wish i could understand why you think this is so necessary. what if she doesn't want to go? and you think it's best if i don't come. hey. she sounds like she's doing all right. how is she? taking forever. i just got an additional list of sixty-two employees to interview before monday. i don't know how i'm going to do it. so, how are you doing in marlboro country? is the magazine complaining at all? when are you coming home? well then. maybe i will take some time. come visit. i miss you, annie. good night. i thought you guys were going to call me. oh well. branding will do that to you. huh-huh. you? i wish i did. well, uh the real reason i called, actually, was to tell you i saw lucy at jo-jo's tonight and she seems very worried. apparently, gottschalk's been seen around town lunching with some very prominent magazine editors. lucy said she tried to call you, but no one answered so she faxed you the list of names. she said one of them have contracts up fairly soon. honey, i hope you're not endangering your position. listen, if you need to come back and you want me to come take over, for a while, i'll work it out. i mean, the firm's got other lawyers, but the magazine's got only one of you. hi. it's a pleasure. i'm very grateful for the way you took in my girls here. i bet you were surprised when they just showed up out of nowhere. well i uh. i can already see a change. and i'm very grateful to you. i know. amazing. see you later! i can't believe it's the same horse. how much longer do you think? i understand. i haven't been back in over twenty years, but i wouldn't be surprised. the population's larger. uh, this was right after college. i was in the peace corps. and i thought before i settled into law school -- everybody knew that was the plan -- i'd take this time for myself. and i tell you, frank, it was one of the -- one of the uh. greatest times of my life. i had experiences that, i think, changed my outlook forever. i came back a different person, literally. and i have no idea what he's saying because i don't understand hindu. so, finally i'm trying to explain to him that i'm allergic to wool and would he please get his sheep out of my car -- tired? small bed. maybe i should sleep in the barn. i apologize for the surprise, but the days only opened yesterday and i figured. i can see why you put your faith in him. he's a genuine. good guy. good at what he does. that's rare. you were right about coming here. i'm sorry for not thinking. how are you feeling about work? i feel like i'm on a first date. well maybe she shouldn't be here. same here, mrs. booker. thank you again for all your kindness. shouldn't we have invited tom over? connecticut. i told the office i'd work out of there next week. when are you planning to start back? may i have a suggestion? take your time. i'll tell you something, annie -- i stood there looking at what was happening to that horse. and, i swear, it felt like the same thing was happening to me. and i have two choices. i can either fight the way things are, or accept them. see, i always knew i loved you more. didn't bother me. i always felt lucky. a little amazed. that such a vibrant, beautiful woman would want to be with a man like me. and i guess i thought as long as i did everything right -- if i was the best husband i could be, the best father. even being a good lawyer only mattered to me because of what it meant for us. if i could do all that, it wouldn't make any difference if we loved each other the same or not. i wasn't asking for more. i told myself i didn't need more. but you don't know how you feel about me. you don't know. if you want a life with me anymore. and i don't want you to come home until you do know. . one way or the other. yes? no. i am a "tubab." tubab means white man. hi. was the trip okay? you want to take a walk with me? i don't know. let's just go and. we'll see.