in here? what do you have, dr. bock? how long has he been like this? yeah. all right, who is this patient? what's the story on this patient? is this his chart, dr. bock? what's his name? drummond? oh christ, the poor son of a bitch just had a nephrectomy a week ago. pick him up. put him on it. stop the massage. ventricular fibrillation. get me the paddles. push another amp of bicarb. set it for two hundred. everybody bock away. one-two-three. did he convert? let's go to four hundred. everybody back one-two-three. that didn't work either. all right. let me have a c.c. of adrenaline and intercardiac needle. stop the massage. ventricular fibrillation. put another amp of bicarb. two hundred. hang isopril, two in five hundred. let's take one more crack with the paddles. everybody back off the cart.