sid just called from st. luke's, and he's heard that the demonstrators up there are planning a march to join the bunch down here. yes. yeah? no, i'll be right up. have we covered about everything? he's supposed to see me about that. one of our staff? tom, you want to go down to the emergency room? one of our doctors just died. yeah, see what that's about. i'll be on holly eight. i'll be right back. why don't we get together on this sometime this afternoon, fran? one o'clock will be fine. what room is it? for heaven's sake, willie, you're going to be in the hospital for two lousy days. what're you making such a fuss about? there are no private rooms available. if they brought in jesus christ fresh off the cross, i couldn't get him a private room. if you want a private room, go on home, and i'll call you the first one that comes up. but you're the one who phoned me in a panic, you're going on a vacation. for heaven's sake, willie, they'll cut this polyp out tomorrow morning. you'll be home thursday, you'll be in miami friday. marilyn, will you talk some sense into this lunatic? i'll get you a tranquilizer. how long ago did this happen? have you called the medical examiner? well, you'd better do that now. and you better call the precinct station house as well. this is mr. mead, are you paging me? are the police still in the building? you'd better get them up here. yes. yes, this is mead. oh, dear. when?. i'll be down directly. never rains but it pours. a fire just broke out in one of those condemned buildings. the squatters in the building came out. the police tried to arrest them and, apparently, the situation has erupted into a riot. i'm sure you're wondering what this is all about, herb. mr. hitchcock is staying with you. you better call the cops, tom. i haven't the time now, and i'm not even going to try to tell you this curious story my brother just told me. i'll fill you in on it at lunch some time. hold it!