our intelligence, mr. ambassador, is that the hutu government has been stockpiling weapons and are preparing a massacre. how about a battalion of u.s. marines. you're right, mr. ambassador, paul knows how to get anything, even u.s. troops. to peace. paul, you know who this is? get him a room, but tell no one he is here. paul will look after you. no. but i fear it's intention may have been to kill the peace accords and spark a civil war between the hutu militia and the tutsi rebels. unfortunately we're here as peace-keepers not peace makers, we can't take an aggressive role. yes. with some re-inforcements i'm confident we could impose order. yes we have. we're awaiting a decision, excuse me. paul, i've sent my soldiers to rescue the lady prime minister, she'll need a room. i'm sorry, i can't possibly take them paul. i'm overrun with refugees. as soon as we can stabilize the situation we'll take them. hold the line here. do not shoot! they murdered my soldiers. ten belgians who i sent to get the lady minister. you have a battalion, you could stop this now. the hutu army is no match for you. you will remember this day for the rest of your lives. anything. strong. congratulations. you should spit in my face. we think you are dirt, less than dirt, worthless. don't bullshit me, paul. you're the smartest man here. you have them all eating out of your hand. you'd own this fucking hotel, except for one thing. you're fucking black! you're not even a nigger, you're african! they're not staying to stop this thing. they're gonna fly right out of here with their people. they're only taking the whites. great news, paul, we're going to get you out of here. the un has been notified that the following families have received travel visas from the following countries. abukesu - tanzania, arumangu -zambia, bawroanga - kenya, gituaranga - zambi, horangora - belguim paramisambi - zambia, rusesabagina - belgium. zamacanga - ghana. a plane will land at the airport tomorrow and the named families will be flown to kenya. two un trucks will be here at 7 a.m. the named families must be ready to leave then. i can't do that. our camp at the airport is overwhelmed already. we could not defend you there. you are better to stay here and work to get an exit visa. paul, only those i called can get on the trucks. i do not want to have to pull people off, you understand? yes. where are the rwandan police? that explains it. i'm sorry to tell you this but we've heard rumors the militia are getting ready to storm the hotel. i can't, i don't have the men. there's one option. the rebels have fought their way into the city. they have many hutu prisoners. they're willing to exchange them for you all. i think so. they are in disarray now. the rebels are winning, and the hutu high command are anxious to get some of their men back. by convoy. a man came to my headquarters, asked that i give you this. paul, i need you to buy me a day or two. i don't have the fuel for this convoy. i will have to scrounge it. no, paul, they're afraid. they've demanded to be moved back to headquarters now. i wish i could, paul. try to hold out. one more day. don't stop. push through. keep going.