lush tropical gardens, peacocks wander the well-manicured lawns,an exotic african paradise. the van heads to a magnificent colonial building. the hotel entrance is a mini-jam of airport buses, white un jeeps, foreign news crew land rovers, and a tv repair van unloading monitors. paul marches in, past zozo the bell hop, who helps the tv men unload. general bizimungu, briefcase in hand, gives the tv interview, he's confident, controlled benedict stands close by as gloria interviews. chaos - un jeeps, hotel vans, dismayed tourists, frightened tutsi refugees. paul's van arrives. bik hangs from a minibus. paul waits, then a car pulls up, an indian businessman, mr. garindi, gets out, shakes hands, he's shaken. paul approaches the bbc reporter gloria and colonel oliver as their interview concludes. wild cheering, flowers draped around necks, kisses. westerners, rwandans, dance and sing in celebration. a torrential african rain storm soaks everything. porters with big umbrellas run the white evacuees to the buses. paul watches in the rain as the final agency people are being loaded onto buses. nuns cling to young children. french soldiers wrench the nuns away, lift them off their feet, carry them to the bus. paul with the printed registry and zozo with beer walk to the jeeps. the soldiers don't wait for the captain's order, they mob zozo, grab beers. the lieutenant marches up to paul. paul instructs the porters to clean around the entrance. the un convoy waits outside. tatiana waits nervously as paul checks his watch. paul paces up and down, he can hear gunfire in the distance. paul meets the un soldiers, . they look frightened. bizimungu's jeeps arrives at the hotel. paul greets him. militia swarm around the front of the hotel.