paul, this scotch is exceptional. oh, paul, talk to the coat check, please. nonsense. at this moment we are making plans to rehabilitate the dissidents into our armed forces. of course, the president is a clever man, he knows what he is doing. thank you for coming to rwanda. . you will see what a beautiful country this is. keep that cockroach benedict away from me. paul, join us. have a drink. i am glad you are well. as long as it is scotch. your white friends have abandoned you, paul. the united nations. madmen are on the streets, paul. but i will take care of you. your cellar is well-stocked, right? what did you overhear? what did they say? watch everything? how? they are gone. satellites? the high command? our high command? the americans! who are they to put us on trial. let us imagine paul when their president kennedy was shot, they said it was a black man. then their politicians, their radio stations gave orders `we must wipe out these black people before they wipe out us.' what do you think would have happened? no different. the police are very busy. he did. if i were to spare a few policemen, where would i station them? i will see what i can do. i am strong, paul, like a lion. get to work, you slug. make sure, paul, your guests are generous. you said you had no whiskey. come here. where are my supplies? you have cockroaches dancing on tables and you tell me the cellar is empty? did they drink my whiskey? rwandan francs! they are only good now for wiping your ass. there is nothing more i can do for you people. no police. no protection. you're on your own. whiskey? i'll be over. get in. after the diplomat! they can go where they want. they are in charge now. we have decided to move the government to gitarama. today. maggots! do your work. here. to celebrate. you know what the scottish call it? ishca baha - the water of life. i went on a tour once of the finest single malt distillery in the world. have you ever been to scotland? wonderful country, wonderful golf. i wonder - will i ever go back? what do you think? pack those carefully, put them in my jeep, and guard them. i am going to do you a great favor. i am going to take you with us to gitarama. you cannot go back to the hotel. the crazy men are going there now. better to come with me. we are better here. how so. i am on a list! what list? you lie. i committed no war crimes. i led no massacres. you will tell them i did nothing. get back! get them out of here.