paul leads zozo and the valet into a magnificent lobby, a tasteful blend of africa and europe. guests stare as water sloshes and spills from the crate. paul emerges, as a troupe of african male dancers in ceremonial costume - leopard skin dress, ostrich feather head dress, spears and shields perform a greeting dance for a the american ambassador and a crowd of european dignitaries. paul fixes a floral arrangement as he passes then arrives at the clock room hatch. general bizimungu gazes through glass into the reception room, sees paul shake hands and joke with the ambassador. the lobby buzzes with activity. at the reception, gregoire is surrounded by a bbc news crew: gloria, young, chic female reporter. producer, and jock, tough, experienced scottish cameraman, and his local sound guy peter. gloria is upset. paul turns, walks past porters ferrying the bbc luggage. he puts his hand out. gregoire hands him keys. paul rushes in: the lobby is filled with tutsi refugees, and scared white tourists. at the desk, the same receptionist is overwhelmed. paul stops just shy of the lobby. around the corner is a mob of angry guests. paul takes a moment to gather himself: straightens his tie; button his jacket; flick a piece of lint from his shoulder. then he takes a breath and steps around the corner. paul comes into the lobby and discovers colonel oliver, he is escorting a tall, well-dressed man, the tutsi minister of finance xavier and his family. paul works his way through the crowds in the lobby, sees a trolley of dishes by an elevator, looks around, can't see any staff. disgusted, he pushes the trolley himself. paul follows oliver as he marches through the lobby. several reporters surround them. paul and tatiana push through the french tourists and aid workers running across the lobby. reveal: a chaos of luggage, white tourists, aid agency people, italian and french soldiers, elite, slick. at the front desk, paul, dripping wet from working the convoy, listens to a french tourist who refuses to pay his bill. where five minutes before the lobby was a frenzy of wealthy europeans and aid workers, the groups of clustered black faces are silent except for the crying of babies and sobbing mothers. paul picks his way among them. zozo catches up. zozo at the computer, printing something. paul walks up, sees: the hotel's registry printing. paul grabs it, studies. paul looks around the lobby. it resembles a refugee center more than a five star hotel. the lobby is deserted except for gregoire now neatly dressed. mr. garindi waits nervously in the lobby. the lucky families are gathered: tatiana and all her children; xavier and his wife; benedict; and others. paul is in a horrible mood. the refugees in the ballroom try to push by the un officer. paul joins him. paul bursts out of the kitchen - enraged. paul enters, sees zozo. paul races into the hotel, past frightened refugees who flee.