paul, how the hell are ya'? they moved you from the diplomat? good for you. did you bring any of those wee girls who used to sit at the bar in the diplomat with you? you know? can we phone them in, paul? zozo! the very man! for fuck's sake, gloria there's a big news story out there! we need to get out and cover it. ground rules! where the fuck do you think you are, wimbledon? perfect timing. satellite feed. hey peter, hook me back into the monitors. holy shit! holy shit. you fucking see that! here, have a sandwich. darlin', believe me, if i could. here. here. give her what she wants, room, food, anything. charge it all. don't you put her out, paul. i know that, paul. i'm sorry. here take this. take it for christ sake. i wish it was a fucking aeroplane. go! what the fuck sort of journalists are we, running from a war? i'm ashamed. are you? well, are ya'?