thank you. he can get the beer. what's wrong? you are with me, zozo, don't worry. zozo throws the van into gear and speeds off. it depends where you sit zozo. in coach it is like the bus to giterama. maybe. but in business class there are fine wines, linens, belgian chocolates. many times. turn off. slow down. boys, do you know the way to mr. rutagunda's warehouse? this is thirsty work, let me treat you to some beers. i will try my best george but these days i have no time for rallies or politics. time is money, george. we need extra beer today. very good. thank you. at least. the ice has melted! don't. let's go. sit up, smile, zozo, don't attract attention to yourself. here, zozo, for your trouble. pull up at the front door. help zozo. gregoire. take care of this. gregoire! see to this right away. it's an emergency, sir. now bik sees the wet floor. gregoire will deal with it, excuse me. how dead? dump the bad meat, save the shells, fill them will ah, a stuffing, something local. yes. call it 'fresh scottish lobster in a cassava and tipali crush'. mr. ambassador, please come in. colonel oliver, you are very welcome. the ambassador shakes the colonel's hand. please, serve the hors d'ouvres now. it's a single malt, glenmorangie. i thought you'd like it. anything you need, gentlemen, let me know. yes, benedict, what can i do? i'm sorry, it's a private function. i will be grateful if you keep my name out of your newspaper. wait here and you will see who has attended as they leave. did general bizimungu bring a briefcase? take it to the bar storeroom. put three bottles of glenmorangie. he writes it down on a pad) . glen-mor-an-gie, into it. yes, i'm sorry madame denver, it is because of the rebels. the tutsi rebels are far away on the border. and soon there will be peace. i will try to arrange something. how was your meal, sir? i have heard, mr. ambassador, that they have discovered oil here, under lake kivu. no. you pick it up. how are your dish-washing skills, gregoire? gregoire, there are no cockroaches in this hotel, do you understand? no, bik, it's a code word for tutsis. excuse me? leave it to me. of course. down, pealiss. good evening, odette, who is sick this time? your brother's here? my best to jean baptiste. thomas wants advice? let's have dinner first. hello, anais. she laughs. you are not anais? oh, carine, that is a shame. i have a present for anais. goodness, i cannot tell. i guess i must find another present. roger, your turn. thank you, roger. why the hurry, roger? no, i don't want you going on the street. who is this simon? homework? wash your things, and be back soon. today i talked to my friend the american ambassador and colonel oliver of the united nations. they are preparing a banquet for the peace signing. the bbc are flying in their best reporters. the world is watching. there will be peace. don't listen to this man. where? what? please, be quiet. no. what would you have us do? argue with these madmen? we cannot interfere. you better stay the night, it is too dangerous to be on the streets. i couldn't help. no, i could not. what do you know about favors tatiana, about barter and deals? all day long i work to please this officer, that diplomat, this tourist. to store up favors so that if there is a time when my family need help i have powerful people i can call upon. now you would have me waste a precious favor on a stranger. he was not family. family is all that matters. do you think if you or i were being dragged from here, any one of them would lift a finger to help us? connections? i have no connections, only favors. if i call to help victor, a general will think "paul rusesabagina is a fool. he thinks my favors are so numerous and so insignificant as to waste them on everybody." then my hard work is doubly squandered. i insult the general and i do not get to use my favor at all. please leave these things to my good judgment. welcome, gentlemen. i am delighted to see you, mr. daglish. promoted. house manager. let me check. ah, i see the mistake. you were reading cbc - the canadian broadcasting people instead of bbc gregoire. just give me a moment to get your keys. excuse me for one second. benedict, you should meet the bbc people. they could use your expertise. benedict, general bizimungu will be here any moment. the bbc should talk to him. madame, this is benedict nangori, one of our best journalists. he covers all the big stories. i thought you should meet. give me the phone. madame denver. i have very good news. i have a present for you, in return for the cancellation of your gorilla expedition i have arranged a safari at lake kivu lodge. a wonderful experience. no, no extra charge. a luxury coach will leave in one hour. i'll send maids up to help you all pack. you're welcome. call kivu lodge, ask for george, tell him i need three rooms. and send a team of maids up to the americans. i want those rooms turned around in twenty minutes. forgive the hurry but i do not want you to miss the lunch buffet on the paddle steamer across the lake. it is the most spectacular sight in all africa. exactly, we can't have our guests starving. what would they think of the mille collines back in the united states? same as last time. the fifth room is your broadcast room. of course. i'm sorry, mr. daglish, this is the mille collines. no working girls here. i'm afraid i can't do that, mr. daglish. ah, zozo. you remember zozo, from the diplomat? forgive me, george, my step was off. excuse me, gentlemen. what's wrong? go to the terrace, i will join you. give me this man's name. thomas, fedens, i am a man who looks after his family. if there were danger i would be the first to leave? calm yourself, it is fireworks to celebrate the peace. ello. tatsi. yes, they are here. yes. i know but i want them to calm down. already the press are packing their bags. the bbc man told me there's no story here. we are boring now. i'll be home soon. let us all go home and sleep. call when you get home. and don't worry, thomas. good night. pealiss! jean baptiste! what is going on? murdered! by whom? nonsense. why would the rebels kill the president when he agreed to peace? i sent them home. go and call them. come on, everyone out of this room, find a seat in the living room. is every tutsi in the neighborhood here? send them home. we are not the police. what do we have to protect them? they know you are tutsi! dawn. then they go. shhhhh. ssshh! paul drags his son through the chainlink fence, whisks him up in his arms and rushes him to the house. where are you hurt, son? what happened, son? where did you get this blood? leave us, give us some space. the neighbors must go at dawn. let him sleep. it is time for the neighbors to leave. shut up! stay with the children. who is in charge? i am paul rusesabagina, a good friend of general bizimungu. what is this about? yes, it is a calamity for us all. no. i work at the mille collines. i used to work at the diplomat. of course. captain, i must take my family. it is not safe here. don't look. the safe is in the manager's office. gentlemen, you'll find some chocolate, and maybe a few beers in the fridge. don't let them go to waste. i've got them. let me explain. please, i don't use guns. captain, what could i pay you not to do this? why not? these are not rebels, look at them. soon they will be worthless to you. why not take some money, for your work? name a price. i don't have that much. wait! wait! here, here, a thousand us dollars - fifty thousand francs for my family. to let us drive off to the mille collines. six. have you any money? get in. captain, let these people give you some money, whatever they have. give me everything, everything you have. wait, wait. ten. i'll give you a hundred thousand francs for all of them. i don't have it here. at the mille collines. i can get it for you. i swear, captain, one hundred thousand francs, enough for a house. i will get the money, you keep them outside. i am the manager. open the gate. i'll be back. let's go. now let them go. don't be foolish. there's more money to be made here. come inside. please, i am the house manager. return in thirty minutes and we will deal with all your requests, thank you. what happened to all the rooms? take this room. tatiana, bring the children. them. they almost got us all killed. i have done enough for them! we cannot look after them anymore. what! zozo, get a key for two staff bedrooms. put these people in them. can i help you? what is his room number? go downstairs, i will help you. what are you doing? this won't do. any luck? i'll try. i need a great favor. i need you to go to this address and bring my brother-in-law and his family. this would be an enormous favor to me. i am a man of means, mr. garandi. when this nonsense is over i will be most grateful. thank you for your patience, ladies and gentlemen. now, how can i help you. where are the receptionists? where's gregoire? what! gregoire, what are you doing here? get out of this room and get back to work. i am in charge now. get back to work or i'll fire you. yes, colonel monsieur xavier, the minister of finance. of course. get the key to suite twelve, take these people there right away. what's going on? wait over there. i said everyone go over there. yes sir, but these people they cannot stay here. i've heard you have a refugee center at the airport stadium? turn that off. we have a hotel to run. where's housekeeping? they won't pick up. paul rusesabagina, mr. godefroid. the house manager. i met you on your last visit. sir, that would be very bad for our reputation. we are an oasis of calm for all our loyal customers. what would they think if sabena deserted them now? i assure you the united nations has everything under control. there is one thing i need right away. this is my letter of appointment, signed by mr. godefroid, the president of sabena. the mille collines is a five star establishment, we will run it that way. if you don't want to work for me, then leave now. i want the hallways cleaned now, a menu prepared for the dining room. where's the pianist? i want you on the piano in the kigali room tonight. back to work. take these people to the rear car park, they can't stay here. get odette! what happened? what's happening? where is she? has roger spoken yet? how can we help him. give him time. this goes out live? when will they be here? thank god. i'm glad you filmed this. now the west will have to stop it. excuse me, gentlemen. tatsi, come. go back inside. did you find the twins? was there blood? this is not bad news, tatsi. perhaps they fled or could not make it home. there is hope. thank you for your help. no. they are not dead. stop this. colonel, what can i get you? paul gets behind the bar. canadian club? congratulations, colonel. you have saved us all. excuse me, colonel. i don't understand. their people? children, go into the hallway. please, go. all the whites are leaving. they are being evacuated. we have been abandoned. listen to me woman. i said all the whites are leaving. the french, the italians, even the belgian un soldiers. i don't know. colonel oliver says the un has three hundred soldiers for the whole country. black soldiers, pakistanis. the most the colonel can spare for the hotel are four men, and they're not allowed to shoot. if anything should happen, if the militia arrive, you must take the children and go to the roof. do what i say, woman. you hear me? i will meet you there. you are not staying sir, you are leaving. i would never do that. this is a rolex, i can't take it. open up the ballroom, we'll put them there. and zozo tell the kitchen to make rice and beans - a lot of it. what are you saying, tatsi? enough of this. we stay together. let me rest, i will feel better then. yes, sir. what is wrong? why sir? i. ah. need some time. please give us twenty, thirty minutes. people are sleeping. please, have some cold drinks. i will be as quick as i can. come on son, everything is all right. he slides him out, clutches him in his arms, then turns him over to tatiana as he phones the front desk. who is this? zozo. i know. get them beer. go to the roof now. do as i say. i will be there soon. are you mad? they will gun us all down. wait here, please. good day, general bizimungu please. do you know where he is? please ask him to call paul rusesabagina. it is urgent. colonel bagsora. where? can you find him? who would order such a thing? did you find the general? we have a big problem. the hutu army have come and ordered us all of us out of the hotel. i do not know, sir. i think they will kill us all. the staff, the guests. now we have eight hundred guests and one hundred staff. i have ten minutes left. i wish i could have done more, sir. please, thank all my friends at sabena. you have been good to me and my family. yes, thank you mr. president. the french. they supply the rwandan army. what are you doing? go and get more beer. the guest list. it hasn't been updated since the murder of the president. that will take time. call, sir? rusesabagina. paul rusesabagina. they have gone. they are gone. thank you, sir. what did you do? thank you, sir, you saved our lives. why? there will be no rescue, no intervention force. we can only save ourselves. call any foreigner you know, tell them what will happen to us. say goodbye but when you say goodbye, say it as though you're reaching through and shaking their hand. let them know if they let go of that hand, you will die. we must shame them into sending help. get on the phones while we still can. at least we can say they heard our cries. zozo come with me. send two of the housekeeping carpenters to the lobby. everyone gather together now. zozo get them all together. no one can remain in this lobby any longer. i have rooms available. who can pay? the rental is six hundred francs per day. go with zozo to the ballroom. we will find you bedding. this is a hotel. no one will be allowed to stay in the lobby. good. i want you to go around and take all the numbers off the doors. nothing. i want no numbers on the doors. good day. here is your bill for the last week. if you cannot pay, or think you will not be able to pay, go to the ballroom. zozo will take care of you. i'm afraid you will have to move room. i'm going to put you on the third floor. yes they are. however if the army return they will expect important people such as yourself to be in these grand rooms. also, this is your bill for the last week. i'm sorry it is not glenmorangie. the united nations are still here. yes, general. i am glad you came by. i overheard something that i think you should know about. a discussion between an american embassy official and a un colonel. the american assured the colonel that they would watch everything. satellites. yes, they can photograph the epaulets on your shoulder. the american said intervention is too costly, better to get photographic evidence and snatch up the high command. 'snatch them up and put on a war crimes trial. lock them all away forever. no political risk, and big publicity.' that's what he said. i thought i'd better tell you. indeed, general. excuse me momentarily. where has all our beer gone? how much beer? i am worried about thieves and criminals coming into the hotel. perhaps you could arrange for some police to guard us. i understand general, but when i last talked to the president of sabena he promised me that anyone who helped protect belgian property would be rewarded. "well rewarded" those were his words. the front gate would be best, general. they could check all guests. i admire you, general. how do you keep command of your men amidst such madness? i wish i were like you. look at my staff, they won't work, they listen to no one. we, who is we? yes. why not? i confess. it's true i have a deal with general bizimungu. he was just here. i worked out another money making scheme for him. new arrivals will be taxed at the gate. do you know what my deal is with bizimungu. i pay him and he keeps you alive. anyone want to take their money back? here, here take it. and you don't have to pay your bill. i will move you into the ballroom or out into the gardens. and, yes, i work with george rutagunda. i buy rice and beans, beer and soap. i will have to visit his warehouse soon because we are running out of food. who wants to come with me? anyone who wants to come with me stay behind. if not, please leave. you are most certainly not coming with me. you will get me killed. george will not hurt me, i am too profitable to him. as soon as the general left he came running back. help me, sir, i have been possessed by a witch. a witch you say? yes, yes, i did not know i was in that room. the president's room, why would i be in the president's room? indeed, the general asked me the same. asked you what? does gregoire think he is president now? lynch bages, 84. perfect with lamb, or fine rare beef. maybe gregoire and the witch ate it. we're running out of beer and other supplies. i have to go out to get food. to rutagunda's place. it is close by. i have to, tatiana, we are only as valuable as the service we provide. i'm not going alone. i'll take gregoire with me. he's a good hutu, and he wants to impress me now. don't worry. i have a job this morning. i must go to visit my good friend george rutagunda. you know george? fetch the van. for supplies, you drive. just drive, gregoire. hello? let's go. we are to meet mr. rutagunda. he will be here. excuse me. our cards, please. you have our cards. how much? i need rice, beans, beer, and your best whiskey. g you have no whiskey? what do you mean george? ) you cannot kill them all. let's go. are you sure this is the river road? stop. you've driven off the road. you'll put us in the river. go back! go back! tell no one what you saw, do you understand? that's a big one. here we go. roger, you have no greeting for me. there, do not worry, no tears. it's alright. this is the only place i can find some peace. a kiss. i have a confession. when we met. yes, when you worked as the nurse. i had you transferred to kigali. i bribed the minister of health to have you transferred to kigali. to be closer. so that i could marry you. it was substantial. a car. what does it matter. a volkswagen. colonel, odette camundu . she must be on the list. we have to get out of here tatiana. i'll try but we have to leave, with or without them. i want you to promise. i need one last favor. go back and get the twins. how do you know? i will give you my house. it's a fine house. here is a paper. madame kawunda, please. i need you to witness this signature. madame kawunda is the minister for agriculture. she is a very reliable witness. please witness this deed. there, now go and find them. they have no papers. no one knows they are tutsi. they will be alive. you must be back by 7:00a.m. tomorrow. seven, remember. zozo you are family, join us. zozo is shocked by this breach of protocol but sits. you are my dearest friends. i promise you before god that i will not sleep until i have you out of here. all of you. you are my family now, zozo, my brother. i will get you out of here. let us remember this night and tell the world that even in hell there are good people. we wait until 7:00. if he is not here with the twins he is not coming. we leave. that was your promise. go help the children. zozo, tell those people to get back to the ballroom. they can not be here. what are we waiting for? come on. yes. i will get you all visas. i promise. i will get you out of here. get on the truck, tatiana. look, our children are crying, please get on the truck. i have to stay. i cannot leave these people. i will wait for the twins. i will follow on the next plane. go. i love you. keep the children safe. dear lord, how did they know? when? please, general, i will give you money, whiskey. please, i have money. they're driving into an ambush, it's on the radio. thank god you are safe. what are you doing? did you explain to the good general that i have temporarily run out of stock? you will get it in due time. now, please, get back to the gate. what is this about no water? we can still get cnn here in hell. i'm sorry, general. the cellar is empty. no. we have no way of finding other stock but i have money for you from the guests. i ran out of whiskey. please go down and guard us. get down there and stop them, please. get down and stop them. what do you mean you cannot shoot? then go and pretend you are soldiers. we are almost out of everything. we had a good life, you and i. i want to make our peace. to thank god for the time we had. we have to have a plan. our children cannot see us die first. if the militia comes, you must hurry up to the roof. i will meet you there. we have to. if i do not come, you must take them all by the hands and jump. the machete is no way to die. promise me you will do it. no. it was only a storeroom. they fired a rocket at us. i ran out of bribes. bizimungu took them away. will you protect us. what is it? they will surely kill us here. it's over here. we have to take the chance. we'll be chopped here. i can't. i have nothing left to bribe with. can your men at the gate hold out for another day? give me their uniforms. i will put people at the gate, in disguise. it's from garandi. i am sorry. there is no hope for the twins. the old lady's house has been destroyed. the diplomat! i have to go to the diplomat. general, sir. i am glad to find you. i have found you some supplies. the finest, and cognac, champagne. come and i will get them for you. bring back your policemen. we must go to the diplomat. your police are at the gate? where are they going? what do you mean, general? when? it might be damaged, general. no. no, sir. i hope we all get to do many things. can we go now? please, general, call and put your policemen back at the gate. i do not want to go to gitarama, general. the militia are at the hotel?! we must go back now, general, please, for my family. listen, you need me. you are a marked man. the americans, and the un they have you as a war criminal. you are on a list. when the europeans left, their soldiers gathered lists. if you do not help me, you will stay on that list. who will tell them? you need me to tell how you helped the hotel. the others who have gone, they blame you for all their misfortune. they say you led the massacres. you think they will believe you? i will do nothing unless you help me now. what are you going to do, shoot me? it will be a blessing. go ahead shoot. i will pay you to shoot my family. you can do nothing to me! they have him in the lobby, go quickly. oh god, please lord. tatiana! oh god. have you seen tatiana? tatiana! it's alright, they're gone. we can't wait. we all go together or not at all. it is time to leave. the mille collines is closed. it's the rebels. we've made it! anais, it is so good to see you.