i've heard bad things, paul. my assistant says we should get out of rwanda. what good is it if we are murdered in our bed? yes, and he is in the hutu power militia. no, he is a friend, but he tells me to listen to the radio. all day they talk about the great slaughter. forgive us, paul. we must talk. we are leaving rwanda, paul. my assistant, the hutu power man, says we should get out now, that soon it will be very bad. his name is naramaranga, but please, paul, even though he is hutu power, he is a friend, he likes me. he told me there is a signal. it is "cut the tall trees." when they hear the signal, the militia are to go to war. please, paul, tomorrow i will bring you my car. you will sell it for me and get a fair price. we will go to tanzania until there is real peace.