whoa, thanks for stopping. i been standing out there in that toad strangling rain for like a hundred million years. yeah, most people just whiz on by like i was invisible or something. or else they're creeps who wanna jam their slimy hands down my pants and twiddle my naughty-naughty. yeah, icky. this one guy stops and i look in and he's got his thing out waving it around like a drunk monkey. yeah, but it's fun. aw, i was going home to my mamma's house. yeah, i was out doing this thing. couple more miles up this road. yeah, i know where that is, it's right by my house. it's dr. satan's tree. i can show ya. yeah, it's a tree. i used to play there all the time. but, you can't find it without me. outsider can't find no deadwood. maybe, maybe, maybe. hey, you know what word i hate? cone. any cone, yeah. i hate that word. sounds ugly, i don't like crumple either. i know i hate swiss cheese, the holes make me nervous. oh yeah, the tree. oh, i know. i'll show you where it's at, sweetie. aren't you just so cute all bundled up like a cinnamon roll of christmas love. go straight up about another mile. til we hit cherrypicker road and turn right. it ain't far from there. no! he's one of god's creatures, he can't help it if he's dumb. i'm just crazy about animals. i'd like to see that. things like that get a lot bloodier than ya think. i was just wondering. are you two gals all funny with each other? you know. a couple of queers. i was just wondering, cause you got a pissy look about you. like a real pussy licking bitch. i just pictured the tire sitting in a chair watching tv. if you keep going straight you can get back on the interstate. it's easier. oh wait! i love this song! we can walk to my house from here. my brother's got a tow truck, he can come get your car. yeah, it won't take long and besides you sassy poodle girls will slow us down. come on. almost there. are you in a hurry or something? these are all my dolls. i use to like to chop their heads off. the door's locked. i'll gotta go around. wait here. aw, you ain't seen nothing yet. oh. yeah, he already left. we'll wait inside, come on. yeah, come on. no. there's a bunch a us 'round somewhere. i think mamma's sleepin'. she sleeps a lot, now. do you want marshmallows? you sure do a lot of guessing. you're welcome. a dead one. ain't the only thing tasty in this house. don't worry, sugar. it ain't past my bedtime. are you flirting with me? oh. maybe r.j. got into a crash and killed everbody? ok, sorry. maybe the great pumpkin ate 'em up. whoopie fucking doo. tiny's home. oh, he was already gone before i seen him. but tiny saw him and said he said he was going out to the yard to get a new wheel. he walks, duh. ma, tiny's in. ma, i can't, i'm busy getting dressed. you shouldn't a done that. yeah, i'll do something. i'll cut your fucking tits off and shove 'em down your throat. come on, ma. this bitch's got it coming. you're in hell, bitch! you're gonna die like a dog! we're gonna have fun tonight, bro. now, what makes you think that? yeah, well we like to get fucked up and do fucked up shit, you know what i mean? i'll bet you do. how much we owe ya. . goober? great story goober, how much? keep the change and get yourself a new name. come on, bro. let's go. what's this? now isn't she a happy little cherub. oh well . nobody just up and disappears. yeah, maybe it was fucking aliens. drink up, it's party time. oh, he's coming, he got something real special this year. grampa, shhhhhhhh. who's your daddy! oh, oh pick me, pick me. i have a question. i was wondering mr. satan sir, do you like to kiss on the first date or is that considered slutty? take his gag out, it's more fun with the screaming. please don't kill us, please don't kill us. let us go, please. let the girls go. we won't tell anybody. no! let me get her. . ma, otis is having all the fun. can i get her? there once was a woman who lived with her daughter in a cabbage garden. along came a rabbit and ate up all the cabbages. the woman said. "go into the garden and drive out the rabbit". "shoo! shoo!" said the maiden. "come maiden," said the rabbit. . sit on my tail and go with me to my rabbit hutch.