huh? come on sleeping beauty, time to go to work. rise and shine. let's go. you're the one who wanted to be a photographer. too late. you're in for life, let's move it out private shutterbug. aw, it ain't crap. it's. cute. . and really who are we to judge the artistic merit of the tin-can mona lisa? i swear i've aged five years since this trip started. god, i hate falling asleep in the afternoon. now i'll be up all night. . ugh, my back is killing me. i don't know. couple hours i think. i've got to call him. yeah, i hit burn out mode back at that old stripper lady's place. watching her dance around with those ratty-looking animals was ridiculous. a decent meal every once in a while wouldn't hurt either, this road food is crap. scattered, smothered and covered. tickets for what? i don't want to see that. oh yeah, murder museum. sounds fun. no, nothing like that. yeah, we're gonna be a little late. we stopped for gas at this place called capt. spaulding's outside of ruggsville and it turned into a whole thing, so we're kind of behind schedule. yeah, well he's still here. i think him and jerry are fast becoming buddies, you know jerry. yeah, he's gotta see everything. yeah, i know. thinks there's some unsolved mystery around every corner. hopefully i can move things along here and make up the lost time by speeding all the way home. yes, dad i'm kidding. yeah so. ok, expect us more around eleven or so. ok yeah, i will. love you, too, bye. never. i swear to god he never sleeps, he goes to bed after me, wakes up before me. he's always working on here he comes. ugh, what's that smell? aw christ, jerry. we can't see anything now, it's too dark. let's forget it. that seems likely. stick her in the front, if you want to pick her up so bad. she's soaked. hardy har, har. well, hitchhiking ain't the safest way for a girl to travel. honk at him. scare him. you got to be fucking joking. no. no pussy licking here, but thanks for your concern. for fucking sake jerry, what the fuck are we gonna do? turn that fucking radio off! now what are we gonna do? i can't believe. fuck, it's freezing. oh, yeah. yeah, so how does that fit with the story of four morons with a flat tire looking for a dead tree? so. why? yeah? so what? you know what jerry, who really cares at this point? yeah, jerry, she said some pretty fucked shit to us. when you were outside with bill. yeah, she said we looked queer. i don't know. about half an hour. what? i didn't hear anything. now. listen. shhhhhh, quiet. turn on the headlights. see if anything is out there. holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck. jesus christ. thanks for coming to get us. little brother almost scared us to death. look. i gotta call my dad and tell him we're gonna be late. can i use your phone? excuse me, may i please use your phone? huh? oh, hi. you really don't have a phone? i mean obviously we will compensate you for your troubles. no, he's just joking. we don't really have any plans other than spending the night at my dad's house. . which is where we were headed when our car broke down. yeah, i guess i'll just help him hand out candy to the trick or treaters. how long is that gonna take? can't tiny drive us to a phone? how's he get around out here? thank you. really, now is not the time to make waves. shhhhhh. you sure you don't need any help in there? oh. what happened? oh, i'm sorry, it's none of my business. don't be such a fucking smart ass. can we please change the subject? yeah, showtime for what? that food. ugh, i feel like i'm gonna puke. what are you laughing at? this isn't funny, it's twisted. shit, i'm all for being a sport, but this is ridiculous. i suppose. i mean they're obviously all bonkers, but i guess they're harmless. you gotta be kidding me. this chick is wasted. thank god. lock the fucking doors. please. tiny, please. let me go. help me. please, god please. we've got get out of here, we got get out of here. i can't. i can't move my arms. i hurt so much. that's not me. i didn't. i'm not doing that. help, help us. jerry! jerry! jerry! jerry please answer me. jerry. . is that you? go, go! drive. drive! murdering. blood and jerry. . monsters. i. i. i got away. no! no, that's it. that house is. . i gotta get out, i gotta get out!