god damn it, i can do it. i can do it myself, ya big monkey. i ain't dead yet. so don't you and your sister start counting out my money yet. god damn, my dogs are barking. christ kid, put it on. she ain't letting any of us touch the grub 'til you're wearing the damn thing. it's all talk, yakty yak, like a bunch of hungry chipmunks. christ, dr. satan. that takes the bull's nuts alright. . hey, i hear some genius up north got a hot line on the easter bunny for ya. what are you, jimmy olsen cub reporter for the daily asshole? hey, the kid wants to know. enlighten him. dinner's over. ladies and germs. it's showtime. ladies and gentlemen, straight from his smash six week sold out run at tiki-ti club. the stardust lounge is proud to present mr. sexy himself. grampa hugo. hey, let me tell ya a story. so i'm hanging out with my buddy hal jackowictz and i'm like, hey hal let's go get some booze and chase the chickens. fucking hal says no, no the old battle axe at home will break my balls. i gotta get my ass home. so, i tell 'im. hal, here's the secret. go home tonight, crawl into bed, get under the covers and eat your wife's pussy. i mean jam your face right in the bush. so, hal goes home, jumps in, starts chomping and licking away at her pussy, she's screaming and howling. totally passes out from the experience. now, hal. he's feeling pretty good, so he goes into the bathroom for a quick shave. . suddenly he lets out a horrible scream. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! sitting there on the toilet is hal's wife gloria. and she says, "quiet down, you'll wake grandma!" thank you, you're too kind, too kind. stay in your seats, coming up next we got something special for you men out there. god damn bitch, what the fuck are you waiting for. charles nelson reilly don't know shit. where do they find these people? what? how many? get those motherfucker. those high water bitches and rocketship daisies. kill 'em, kill 'em. i shot an elephant in my pajamas this morning. how he got in my pajamas i'll never know. then we tried to remove the tusks, but they were embedded in so firmly that we couldn't budge 'em. of course, in alabama the tuscaloosa, but that's entirely irrelephant. that's a horse's ass alright, i told you. zarkoff, i will conquer the sea, the air, the earth. the universe. what the fuck are you saying? who the hell is talking to me?