sleeping. no please, let me sit this one out. i resign. christ, i hope this isn't more crappy folk art. it's so quaint. it's so primal. it's so crap. aw, shit. i gotta pee anyway. tell me about it. yeah, hey how far do you think we are from your dad's? it will be nice to have a few days off to regenerate. this trip is fun, but it's starting to get brutal. i know, that was some crazy shit. i never in a million years would have believed it if i hadn't seen it. if i never eat at another waffle house again, i can die a happy girl. exactly. well, i guess a couple more photos won't kill me. how about if we skip it and just hang out here. i can get some great shots of this stuff. alright, alright. i know. i wanted to be the photographer. aw, come on jerry. we've gotten all we're gonna get out of this place and its starting to rain. geez, he never gets tired does he. maybe he's a cyborg. huh? let's just skip it. it is probably nothing anyway. well, don't even think about playing the good samaritan, there's way too many psychos wandering loose these days. should we stop? she looks like a freak. she looks like she stinks. sounds like a magical trip through the heartland. this is crazy. she don't know nothing. excuse me, could you not smoke in here? why are we stopping? go around him. then run him over, he'll move. the animals have got nothing to do with it. let's get going before that thing tries to eat the car or something. nice. don't even say it. god damn it, i knew this witch-hunt was fucking bullshit. can i help you with something? wondering what? what? do you believe this fucking girl? what? what the hell are you laughing about? oh, wonderful. fucking psycho. just back up. what! i think i'm going fucking crazy. you said it, not me. screw that, no way, i ain't letting you go by yourself. god damn it, i must be fucking crazy to let him go off with that crazy fucking bitch. that stupid hillbilly slut. you didn't see the look she threw me. she's up to something. she said we look like pussy lickers or some shit like that. how long has it been? what was that? wait. quiet. turn off the radio. i don't hear anything. i still don't. lock the doors. quick, quick. what! i think i'm gonna have a fucking heart attack. enough with the stupid voices. bill, why don't you ask her. she's your special friend. no, just a little too old. a couple hours! fucking great. sorry. i hope to christ she doesn't expect us to wear these things. yeah, it's really your fault that we're stuck in this shithole in the first place. i know the words. fucking psycho fucking bullshit, that's the words. check this out. this is starting to make me real uncomfortable. dear god, let this end. i'm with denise, can't we just walk to someplace, this is getting fucking stupid. i fucking hope so. how much is a person supposed to stand? oh, i'm sorry, bothering you? was i disturbing your viewing pleasure? take that, you fucking slut! fucking redneck whore! why? you gonna do something about it? don't worry, i'm gone. of course she was gonna cut me, she's a fucking nut. i knew she was crazy from the second we picked her up. go! go! go! get us out of here! what are you doing! drive through it! bill! help him! why? why are you doing this? where's bill? where is he? bill? no, no, no! what have you done? bill! this can't be real, this can't be real, this can't be real. fuck you, you fucking freak! what are you doing? . no, stop. please, please. noooooooooooo!