ain't got one. no, none. i had one once, back in '57 maybe. i don't know. really ain't nobody we wanna be jaw flapping at around here no more. his name is rufus, rufus jr., but we all call him r.j. what do they call you, sweety? oh, you ain't no troubles, no, no, no fuss. baby. go see what rufus jr. is doing with these nice folks' automobile. in the meanwhile please make yourselves at home. so, what brings you kids way out here, ain't you got something better to do for halloween than wander around out here in the sticks? oh, really. . well, i'm a pretty good dancer if you know what i mean. i bet i got a few moves you ain't never seen. that's nice. i'll bet you are. you are a naughty little thing aren't ya. oh, i get it. i guess you think you're too good for the simple pleasures of halloween. oh really, well i hope something changes your mind some day. what about r.j.? it's an old auto junkyard out in baldwin. he should be back in a couple hours. tiny ain't got no car, he ain't even got a bicycle. i know you're my guests and welcome but i'd please advise you to keep from cussing while in my house, thank you. well, even though i know it seems childish to you all. tonight is halloween eve and it special to us so you are all invited to stay for dinner. you're a strange one, aren't ya honey. i think you and me are get on like. . like something real good. no dear, i'm fine. now what kind of host would i be if i put my guests to this kind of work. go tell him to get your grandpa. you'll have to forgive tiny, he can't hear so much. yeah, my poor baby. it's his daddy's fault. i mean earl was a good man. i mean he never hit me or nothing, but one day he just got up and went pure devil on us all. he tried to burn the house down, said it was possessed by the spirits. tiny was sleeping in the basement where the fire started. i don't think earl ever meant to harm us. but tiny was badly burnt, his ears were destroyed and most of his skin. yeah, my baby boy gets shy around new people, but he'll warm up to ya. especially the ladies. maybe. he's a real lady killer. well, we'll see. the night is young and so are you. oh well, couple more minutes. ok, everyone, put on your masks. we can't very well eat with our everyday faces exposed. firefly. well, i'm not much for local gossip an this and that, but i've heard it mentioned in passing over the years but. i mean folks is queer and they say things, crazy things you know what i mean? otis! i can't believe you decided to come down and join us. and you brought little wolf. this really is a special night. all my babies together. grampa. watch the language. for the show. it's halloween eve and time for our show. no, no, no it's so much more special than that. you'll see, you'll be the first to ever see. i think this is something you'll really love. please, come in. how many in your party. . one, two, three and four. right this way. please be seated. baby! stop! no, i told you. i suggest you kids leave now. otis! otis! come quick, there's cops outside. i don't know. i only saw one. what should i do? well hello, officer. aw, you ain't disturbing me, but it kind of looks like rain, don't ya think? questions? well, heck, i'll tell you anything you want to know. well, i. mmmmm. no, i ain't seen her, sorry. i um. no, i don't think so. oh, alright. i guess i can trust you. being a man of the law and all. oh, you are very welcome. lord knows how i love a man in uniform. no, i can't say that i ever seen 'em before. . he looks familiar, is he on tv? enjoy your last night. . where's otis? quiet, quiet, you know he won't come down with all this hoop-dee-doo bouncing off the walls. now, calm down. let him finish. who's your daddy! who's your daddy! look at the way he lights up. grampa just loves meeting his fans. come on, my babies are getting restless. yeah, i like the screaming too. it's so much more exciting. wait, i want to say good-bye. bye sweety, we could of been great together. aw, honey you know i can't do that. that's true, otis. not that we're having a bad time, but.