hello. . hey denise. what, what's wrong, did you break down? oh yeah, yeah i've driven by that place before. i seem to remember a crabby old bastard in a crummy clown suit running the place. well, don't take too long, the kids are already knocking down the door demanding their sugar fix. i know, i know i forgot to mention that halloween falls on a school night, so they're trick or treating tonight. i got the joint decked out this year, built a graveyard in the front yard like when you were a kid. well, just promise me you'll be careful. alright, alright see ya soon. good-bye. hello, denise? oh, yeah. no, fred. i was hoping you were denise, she's a little late. yeah, yeah i'm sure the rain just slowed 'em down. yeah. uh-huh, yeah. no, no you can keep it 'til tuesday. alright, talk to ya tomorrow, bye. hi. lieutenant broekman please. donald willis. hey, phil. yeah, i'm alright. but i need you to check on something for me. i'm a little worried about denise. she called me last night from the road, out by ruggsville at some joint called spaulding's or something like that, said she'd be here about eleven. but she never showed up. yeah, if you could run a check on up that way and see about any accidents or road closing or anything, i'd really appreciate it. . yeah, yeah, i know. i'm sure nothing happened but, you know me i like to worry. thanks. bye. yes, sir. george willis. . any leads? that's it? dr. satan? what about the body you found? fit the profile? christ, you know it's crazy. i lived through so many other people's nightmares, you know. always cool and calm, but. but i never thought i'd be the one needing help, ya know? christ, four kids couldn't just disappear. my denise is a smart girl, she wouldn't do anything stupid, and her boyfriend, he always seemed like a good kid. i pray to god there is. where we headed? shhhh. you hear that? over here, inside the smokehouse. we gotta break it open. tell it to my daughter. call wydell. right.