i know all about what you want to know about. now, i don't know where you heard all your little fairy fables about dr. satan but. that old bitch hog don't know shit. he tells cute little tattle-tales to sell his junk, but he don't sell no yankee boys no truth. i ain't sure that you really need to know. it's better you go home still dreaming about your kitty cats and puppy dogs. boy, i bet you'd stick your head in the fire if i told ya you'd see hell. meanwhile you too stupid to realize you got a demon sticking out your ass singing, "holy miss moly, i got a live one." shut your fucking mouth! i said shut your mouth! listen, you malibu barbie middle class piece of shit. i'm trying to work, you got me, work. you ever work? yeah, i'll bet you did. scooping ice cream to your shitheel friends on summer break. well, i ain't talking about white socks with mickey mouse on one side and donald duck on the other. shit, you ain't reading no funny books, mamma. this is blood and guts, suzy q. our bodies come and go, but this blood is forever. . let me read you something, listen and learn. you listening? and the angels, all pallid and wan, uprising, unveiling, affirm that the play is the tragedy "man" and its hero the conqueror worm. . you get that? art is eternal, you get me, mamma? now, i'm gonna remove my hand. you make a sound and i swear i'll slit you open and make you eat your own fucking intestines. you get me? doing what? messy up your day? well, fuck lady there are some bigger issues at hand. than your fucking have a nice fucking day bumper sticker shit! well, bill. he's a good guy, he's been great help to me. a real blessing. i couldn't have asked for a better specimen. i mean you don't know what a dry spell i've had, total block. . total block. but bill he's ok. let's go see. behold. the fish-boy! oh, it's real. as real as i want it to be, mamma. . look, see the magic in my brush strokes. oh, come now. we're all creatures of god and freaks in our own way. . but if you'll notice. right here, needs a little something, heh? you, my dear worm feeder, are about to become immortalized. watch that bitch, she's thinking about that klugman bangin' brett sommers, pick motherfucking richard dawson. he's the fucking slick jack match game man, mamma. what! god damn, how many? don't worry about it. i'm sure there's more than that. fucking pigs always travel in packs. . here, take this. go down stairs and play nice. i'm a gonna go 'round back and handle things like i always fucking do. hands up, bitch! turn around, real slow. piggy-pie. interlock your fingers behind your head. . do it! kneel. i'm the one who brings the christmas candy. now tell me . who's your daddy? i'm the one who brings the devil's brandy. yes! i'm the one who beats you when you're bad. i'm the one who loves you when you're fucking dead! now, i say my little darlings. maybe prancing around where you don't belong ain't such a winner of an idea. and you, the great rusher of fools, what were you after. huh, speak to me. oh, that's right, dr. satan. everybody got to know about dr. satan, jesus christ, let the old dog rest for fuck sake, he's already got one foot in the grave and the other's tap dancing around the edge. . well, i can see the disappointment on your sad little puppy face. so i'm gonna do you a favor, a big, big favor. you owe me, boy. i'm gonna let you meet the old bastard. baby, roll that old love machine over here, so this boy can meet his hero. you see it's all true, the boogieman is real and you found him. . why so sad? isn't this what you begged for? there he is, the living legend himself, ta da dr. satan. now, don't get shy on me. ask your hero some questions, don't blow this last in a lifetime opportunity. aw gee whiz, i'm so excited. i really think you're the coolest. you're tops on the playground, cooler than the fonzie. alright, alright. cut 'em down, it's time they get what they came here for. hold this. point it over here. hey happy-boy, step your ass up here. bitch, shut your mouth and get your shit in the box. get in. now! christ, ain't this fucking a hoot. alright mamma, i ain't got all fucking night. it is and i can. next. where's she think she's a gonna get to? she's gonna run all the way home. well, go get her.