well, let's go see if the nut that runs this place can help us. what i need are some answers. you seen this girl? say. within the last 24 hours. come on, get with the facts. what'd you see, who was she with, where were they going? and. is that all. think real hard. how's about you give me those same directions. enough talk, write. i hope you're right, but my guts are telling me different. yeah. . huh, what the hell are you talking about? how old do you think i am? i know who the fuck spider-man is. get to your point. i always favored the hulk. aw, fuck. call the chief. we found 'em. a vehicle registered to a william s. hudley. yeah, no mercy here. not yet. just in the wrong place at the wrong time. yep, i suppose it is. toss 'em over here. god damn. yep, i found something. chief said pick him up and take him with us on our house to house. guy's an ex-cop, thinks he can help. yeah, well i guess it's tough to sit on the sidelines and wait when your own kid's missing. besides, ain't no such thing as an ex-cop. that must be him. mr. willis? i'm wydell. this is naish. well, we were on our way out to run a check on a couple farmhouses out on the edge of town. closest thing we got to a lead at this point. well, all we know is the kids were headed out to a spot the locals call deadwood to play nancy drew with some local legend about this character everybody calls dr. satan. anyway, there's not much else out that way. so, i figure maybe there's a chance the kids broke down and found their way over to one of the farms. oh, yeah, you know about that? hmmm, that's a strange one. her part in this i can't figure. but i will. let's hit the road, sooner we get a move on sooner we'll find her. i'm sure there's a logical explanation. i seem to remember another farm set way back off the road where the car was found. i'm not sure if anyone lives there anymore, but it's worth a look. i'm gonna see if anybody's home. you and mr. willis take a look around the grounds for any sign of anything. excuse me, i'm sorry for disturbing you this fine afternoon. my name is lt. wydell, i'd like to ask you a few questions. i appreciate your cooperation. i'm looking for a missing girl. . this girl here, denise willis. have you seen her? please, could i please come in and talk to you for a minute? maybe you could take a better look at the picture. might stir up something. please, just a minute. thank you. think. do any of these kids look familiar in any way? excuse me for a second. over.