almond joy. i know, pretty silly. but it's better than when we first started out, our code names were diseases. you don't know what it's like being called clymidia for a year. whoops, forgot. george, you promised. no old cia. new cia jokes. grapple, biker's bottle, hairspray, black turtleneck, pocket fisherman, acid, collapsible yardstick, softball, and 72 stamps. gee stud, this is going to be some date. no harvey's bristol cream? actually we're in italy, snickers, she said as if it made a difference. damn baby, when's the last time you had a vacation. jesus, i gotta get out of this job. if my mom knew her daughter assassinated the leader of the anti-apartheid movement. to yourself!. what are they doing? in twenty seconds, we go in. now. that's not overly possible. he. with all due respect to that great blouse, why didn't i cut out her heart? lucky for us, the da vinci is located in a wing of the kremlin that they used to throw the miss ukraine pageant and stuff. it'll have the least number of guards. snickers, baby, i love you like a brother, but really, who cares? silencer bomb. what the hell. that was pretty uncool, george. anna-bannana-fo-fanna, i guess i have to cut out your heart for real now. it's not personal. you won't shoot. i read your dossier. sister. i gotta get a new job.