don't you just hate kids. i call them the mtv.i.a. punks think bay of pigs is an herbal tea. they think the cold war involves penguins and. you just might. i'm the guy who tricked you into robbing a government installation and then had you sent to prison for it. at the time, i was bald with a beard, no moustache, and i had a different nose, so if you don't recognize me, i won't be offended. i used you as a diversion. while you were getting captured upstairs, i was shredding documents in the basement. deep down, i guess i was just jealous. you were one incredible thief. i want to make things up to you. that's why i got you this gig, doll. hawk, my name's george kaplan and to quote the late, great karen carpenter, "we've only just begun." hush. my employer wants a meeting. no, somebody powerful. oh. look. what's that up there? shucks. guess not. hawk, hawk, hawk. enjoying italy? i always had a soft spot for rome. did my first barehanded strangulation here. communist politician. god, i miss communism. the red threat. people were scared, the agency was respected, and i got laid every night. if his father wasn't the head of shit, i hate this, the government's got me farmed out, working for the mayflower corporation now, money beats politics. war isn't hell anymore, it's dull. don't slaughter their men and rape their women, just steal their microchips. snickers, make the list happen. oh and it's one thing to play hide and seek with the mayflower's pathetic staff, but we're sore losers. i've put jumper cables on the nipples of children and not always in the line of duty. we blow up space shuttles for breakfast. you and your friend alex would be a late afternoon triscuit. yeah, right. by the way, as long as i'm getting things off my chest, i'm the one who killed your little monkey. made it look like a mafia hit. did it for fun. ciao. way to go, anna. and then we'll arrest those greedy pigs. is that it? it's the site of their new museum and we're taking it over. operation deflower mayflower is going full speed ahead. anna. anna. anna. if that were true, almond joy would have handed you your heart right after you handed me the codex. now, get some sleep. kit kat. actually he never told us what it was. i don't think so, although bringing her to the castle gave her a big, juicy hint. close call, but she's our only way of keeping tabs on that damn mysterious vatican organization. hawk, it's time to go to the principal's office. that's it! i just don't think it was a smoking hot idea to leave them up there alone. you were saying. we're all family now. my team has done a lot of rougher things than steal the model of a helicopter. as for our plan of action, anybody'd be insane to go in from the ground floor. let's go make a purple light. where's kit kat? everything's going fine, minerva, thanks for asking. lazy, rich, condescending bitch. create a diversion. i wish i could think of those cute quips the way you can, hawk, but i can't, so i'll just shoot alex. sorry, you know he kind of reminds me of little eddie. but i digress. ah, victory is so sweet. damnit, this isn't the plan! blue light, green light, shit! snickers, kit kat, a.j., scramble, see if you can find out anything. they may be scum, but if i get the da vinci model back, then we'll be roasting weenies on the beach. i can't believe this. i'm in fucking russia, or do i have to say, the fucking soviet union and i'm shooting a non-bolshevick. i never thought i'd say "i'm just in this job for the money." sad. any last immature quips? tell me about it. my pension.