when it rains, it pours. name's snickers. the plane leaves in 40. good news, bud, the mayflowers have moved up the time-table. you're hitting the vatican to-night. come on, pierre, steak-bur-ger, fren-n-ch fries. this is france, you gotta have french. italy, france, moscow. they all just wanna be nebraska. old man kaplan thinks since communism is dead, we got nothing to do. man, democracy isn't free elections. we gotta teach the world that democracy is big tits, college football on saturdays, eddie murphy saying the word "fuck" and kids putting their hands down garbage disposals on "america's funniest home videos." quit bitching, you got the employee of the month plaque for that shit. ah to be in pari-is and in love. what's going on in there? just read, butterfinger. oh, i think we all do. do you think she has any idea that operation deflower mayflower is as bogus as kit kat's tits? we're going to whack this place so fast we'll have time to shop for american imports. we are the blue light. the green light is where the art treasures room is. this is the room above the art treasures room. the lock is a natalya z-z, first created. you're supposed to be dead! bastard! if you were a true american. slashes hawk in the arm with a small but sinister blade. too bad. help me you democratic reform lovers! get a screwdriver, you stupid eskimoes! screw-dri-ver! oh god, i always wanted to know how to play the harp, there just was so little time! rosebud! maybe it was just a.