rockwell news presents. 'tidbits of time!' world news in pictures, we kid you not. what began as the brainchild of this madison avenue whiz kid is now a craze sweeping the nation. the 'hula hoop,' product of hudsucker industries, is a recreational device that some experts predict may eclipse the television as a means of entertainment. this dancing dingus of delight, this jerky circle of gaiety, is proving to be the toy of choice of most american youngsters. -- whoa- ho! did i say youngsters?! here's mom, taking a break from her household chores. and even dad is 'swinging' into the act! and so the congratulations pour in for up-and-comer norville barnes, inventor of the hoop -- including one very special call! yes, it's hula hula everywhere! from the cocktail parties of the park avenue smart set. to sweethearts who want to be married in the 'swing' of things. to our friend the negro, in the heart of the dark continent.