i can't print this! it's pure speculation! why, they'd have my butt in a satchel! you don't know anything! fact is they haven't bought it! the stock is cheap, archer! what're they waiting for? you don't accuse someone of stock manipulation on a hunch, ignatz! the readers of the manhattan argus aren't interested in sensationalism, gossip and unsupported speculation. facts, figures -- those are the tools of the newspaper trade! why it's almost as if you're trying to take the heat off this barnes numbskull -- like you've gone all soft on him! all right, i was out of line. but you're out of line with this stock swindle story. gimme some more of that moron-from-sheboygan stuff -- whatever. that's what sells newspapers. watch it, archer -- he grins wolfishly. we are printing it! she's hittin' the streets this evening -- archer, you're a broken record. fact is gunderson did design it -- apparently he's some kind of prodigy -- smith has a source on the hud board -- very senior, very hushhush -- whatever! it's no dig on you, archer, but this story is hot and you're no longer on top of it. why, it's the scoop of the century -- the other papers won't have the gunderson dope 'til tomorrow -- the allemeinischer zeitung, le figaro, they'll be choking on our dust come mornin' -- amy -- take a break. you've worked hard on this story -- heck, you broke it for us! but it's passed you by and smith here has taken up the slack.