ah guess ole moses knows jes about ever'thing, leastways if it concerns hudsuckuh. ah keeps the ol' circle turning -- this ol' clock needs plenty o' care. time is money, miss archuh, and money -- it drives that ol' global economy and keeps big daddy earth a-spinnin' on 'roun'. ya see, without that capital fo'mation -- i don't tell no one nothin' lessen they ask. thatches ain't ole moses' way. well, that even surprised ole moses at fust. i didn't think the board was that smart. but then i figured it out: they did it 'cause they figured young norville for an imbecile. like some othuh people ah know. 'cause they's little pigglies! they's tryin' to inspire panic, make that stock git cheap so's they can snitch it all up fo' themselves! but norville, he's got some tricks up his sleeve, he does. you know, fo' kids? yeah, he's a smart one, that norville, heh-heh, he's a caution. wal, some folks is square, an' some is hip -- but i guess you don't really know him any better than that board does, do ya, miss archuh? an' only some kind a knucklehead thinks she knows things 'bout things she, uh -- when she don't, uh -- how'd that go? why you don't even know y'own self -- you ain't exactly the genuine article are you, miss archuh? i don't mean that! why you pretendin' to be such a hard ol' sourpuss! ain't never gonna make you happy! never made warin' happy. okay, miss archuh. . i got gears to see to. elsewhere in the great room, he is hunkered down next to a catchment which he buffs with a greasy rag. amy's voice echoes up: them po' young folks. looks like norville's in fo' the same kind o' heartache ol' warin' had. but then, she never axed me 'bout dat. strictly speakin', i'm never spozed to do this but. have you got a better idea? and so began 1959. the new year. and the start of a new business cycle. when he learned that norville owned the comp'ny, ol' sidney was upset at first. it's a good thing doc bromfenbrenner was there. 'cause he was able to keep sidney from harmin' his ol' self. now norville, he went on an' ruled with wisdom and compassion. and started dreamin' up them excitin' new ideas again. you know, for kids! an' that's the story of how norville barnes climbed away up to the forty-fourth floor of the hudsucker buildin'. an' then fell all the way down, but didn't quite squish hisself. ya know, they say there was a man who jumped from the fortyfifth floor. but that's another story. heh-heh-heh! ya-heh-heh-heh!