the's right. new york. it's 1958 -- anyway, for a few mo' minutes it is. come midnight it's gonna be 1959. a whole 'nother feelin'. the new year. the future. yeah ole daddy earth fixin' to start one mo' trip 'round the sun, an' evvybody hopin' this ride 'round be a little mo' giddy, a little mo' gay. yep. all over town champagne corks is a-poppin'. over in the waldorf the big shots is dancin' to the strains of guy lombardo. down in times square the little folks is a-watchin' and a- waitin' fo' that big ball to drop. they all tryin' to catch holt a one moment of time. to be able to say -- 'right now! this is it! i got it!' 'course by then it'll be past. but they all happy, evvybody havin' a good time. well, almost evvybody. they's a few lost souls floatin' 'round out there. this one's norville barnes. let's move in for a closer look. that office he jes stepped out of is the office of the president of hudsucker industries. it's his office. how'd he get so high? an' why is he feelin' so low? is he really gonna do it -- is norville really gonna jelly up the sidewalk? well the future, that's something you can't never tell about. but the past. that's another story.