doctor. oui, doctor, oui. oui. really? my day? well, i had a sweet little mongrel puppie named puff when i was a girl. this one reminds me of my dog, all shaggy! so cute! i loved my doggie very much, monsieur. oui. perfect! dr. bronfman! dr. bronfman! hi. i just wanted to tell you that i very much enjoy working with you. now i'm embarrassed that i say this. merci. i. do you. would you like to go get a cup of coffee, perhaps? now i am truly embarrassed. forgive me. i should not have asked such a stupid question. i know you are a very important man and. i am a foolish little thing. i am pink in my face, no? it is only that i have been so lonely lately and. i am ashamed. i'll see you tomorrow, okay? unless. am i fired now? thank you so much for accompanying me. i have had such a difficult time in my personal life and you seem to be such a nice man. but i'm talking too much again, no? you're so sweet. oh, why are there not more men out there like you? you know just the right thing to say. i like it when you say my name. is that stupid? oh, doctor. i did not know. i'm sorry to disturb you. i just came for some papers i left. oui. perhaps i called at a bad time. i am sorry. is everything fine? i was in my p.j.'s when i remembered i left some papers i need to go over. see? i rushed right out of the house. i must look a mess. i'm so embarrassed. coincidence, yes? and how is our son? i should turn them off. maybe i sing him a lullaby my mama sang to me when i was a little girl. oui. there. shall we close up, then? it's nice, yes. i'm glad i ran into you, both in our silly pajamas. it is two happy coincidences, no? yet you look so sad. a great man like you should not be sad. i am sleepy. really? i always think myself so ugly. no, not ugly, but plain. a wallflower. thank you so much. merci. it's very wonderful to hear a man say such a nice compliment. you are sweet. doctor. shh. anyway it's time he grew up. n'est- ce pa? i love chest hair on a man. i know it isn't fashionable now, hairy men. but to me it is the very sign of masculinity. what is wrong, my darling? dr. bronfman's line. yes. one moment please. lila. i don't know, nathan. what are you supposed to do? funny. i thought that's exactly what you did. you just don't have the courage to admit it to yourself. hmmmph. hmmph. hmmph. nathan, we have to talk, you and i. not in front of the boy. stop. get away. you have to choose nathan. it's like sophie's choice. only it is nathan's choice. did you ever see that movie, sophie's choice? it is like that. only it is this. no! it is now that you must decide. i love you, doctor nathan. . but i will not wait. i will not be your chippy. i will not be your little mademoiselle parlez-vous side dish. my love. i want to have a sweet tiny baby inside my belly. from you. but?. but? there is a "but," nathan. you were wonderful today, darling. such authority with the ape-man boy. it made me so hot for you. the way you are taming him, it sends chills down my girlish spine and. everywhere else, too. take me, darling! tame your little monkey of love! you're kidding! holy shit. yeah, no duh! i had a wild hair up my ass over that for a month. yeah? what? call you back. you bastard! what do you want? we have nothing to say! you are a rotten bastard, that's what! why? you've made your decision, mister stinky american! now i hate you! no, i don't hate you; i don't even think about you! like what? what for? you think too much. i need a man who doesn't think so much but acts more than he thinks. is what i need! you heard me! you make me sick when you pretend to not understand what i am saying to you! go away from here! all right, already! come in if you must! the door's open, you son of a bitch! in here, you lousy piece of merde. well? please. i look a mess. anyway. come already to the point. i've moved on. i've been seeing johannsen in chemistry. that's not how he tells it. hunh. you hurt me, you know, when you made nathan's choice. does that not even matter to you, you pig? you were wonderful! don't be silly! and you were wonderful, too! i loved the way you said " au revoir." so we've got seventeen new bookings for speaking engagements, my wonderful men. that's lila? a penny for your thoughts, mon cheri. yes, please, somebody ask him what is wrong. oui. we still have you and i. where do we look for little lost puff? that is horrible. apes are dirty. no? okay, my sweet. good night. please let me go with you. okay. hello, my little boy. oui. nathan's silk suit, just like you asked. say my name. you remind me so much of nathan. you remind me so much of nathan plus so much of my little mongrel doggie. hush. no, it is never terrible to be in love. nathan's memory lives on in our sacred union. i'm not sorry she killed him either. nathan was wonderful. he was erudite and sophisticated and charming. you are all that, too. but you have something more. you have a bit of the animal in you. french?