progress! oh yes, honey. getting to be smooth smooth smooth all over. smooth as a baby's butt. you still in the market for a real boy? cause there's this guy. my brother knows him. might be right up your alley. i don't get that. is that sexual? handsome, thirties, psychologist. loves animals. loves you. somehow it came up that you were a friend of mine. mr. handsome, animal- loving psychologist said he would love to meet you. my brother is discreet. my brother says the guy's a thirty- five year old virgin, so maybe he won't know how women usually feel. plus he's got bad eyesight, almost legally blind, which is helpful in this situation. plus he's got an extremely small penis, of which he is "mortifyingly ashamed", so chances are he'll be so grateful for any non- judgmental attention, that he'll be yours forever. yeah, well my brother is his shrink. so? my brother says he likes you, too. yeah. says he likes you even more than he likes his own mother. and according to my brother nathan's abormally close with his mother. my brother says things are going really well between you and nathan. yeah? don't throw that away. i had that once with a guy. but i threw it away for a cheap thrill. no. i married a midget. well he wasn't really a midget. he was on the cusp of midgethood. that's what made it cheap. had he been an actual midget, there would've been nothing cheap about it, my dear. let me tell you, honey, midgets are the best kept secret in male companionship. they're portable. they're controllable. they're eager. and they're exactly the right height for a little covert oral fun on the dance floor. oh? be still my crotch. yeah. my brother told me. stand on a stepladder sometimes. lila, it's rosie. please, honey, let me in. lila, i want to help you. nathan told my brother. yeah, although i'm not going to turn him in. i like hearing the dirt. i don't know, honey. i don't know. maybe he just didn't want to get involved. let's get you out of here. come stay with me until you get your strength back. free electrolysis, if you want it! we'll get that face of yours cleared up in no time. done! sorry i'm late, parking is a bitch at this place. with pleasure. i'm going to miss you. and i'm going to miss the lifestyle having you as a client has afforded me. i like you so much, with or without hair. but don't spread that around. bad for business. souls have nothing to do with it, babe. no you won't. but it's okay. you have stuff you gotta do.