well, i wanted to introduce you. as if knowing me would help.
it's a ridiculously awful movie.
stop. you're good. i'm doing them a favor by getting you in.
claire, this is matt hobbs.
hi. i just finished. i'll have my coverage right over. it's past derivative.  it's photocopying. what a hoot! you're kidding, right? there is truly active bidding for this book? really? 2.3 million? okay, see you.
i had some problems.
well, you know, it's a little garbagey.
hey. it's not like i didn't recommend it.
how'd it go?
good. his saver is he means what he says.
for when?
i never know when i'm free. it sounds like i'm just.  but it's true.
well, don't please.
oh.  well, don't please.
don't be sad.
oh, i was auditing this acting course and he filled in teaching one night. he did a scene himself and he was awesome. for some reason, he can't get arrested.
i never thought it would do this well. there were so many holes; i told everybody it wasn't going to do business. why am i so public with my opinions?
not with that score. you know, maybe tonight's the night i'm losing my entire mind, but weren't you in 'platoon?'
but there was that one long close up-- where you seemed ashamed of yourself but still arrogant.
it reminded me of my last boyfriend. got to go.
beast of burden.
to be honest, i had problems with 'ground zero.' but this 'people get hurt' one, while it might not be my exact, exact thing, i think will really work for an audience. it's so over the top, you have a great time.
burke's going crazy waiting for the score.
how are you, anyway?
it's a tough one, huh? me too.
what's wrong? what happened?
if you didn't, you sure should have.
i am.
i'm not down for you. i'm down about myself.
please listen to me.
i just got this feeling of seeing myself talking to you and how this is the most important moment of.  ever.
i've been watching this company make movies that cost tens of millions of dollars and all the while i've known about this wonderful script which we can somehow own and we could make for about $14,000,000.  $3,000,000 if you can live without stars or a name director.
i've sent you coverage on it nine times. i swear to you, burke, it will work. you've never heard me say that.
i don't know anything about action- adventure!! i have no idea where that came from. hey, i know everyone thinks i don't have any commercial sense because of what i said at the 'gremlins' preview and all.  and you think i can't put myself on the line. well, if this picture doesn't work, fire me. have me killed if it doesn't get good reviews. if this doesn't get a 70 percent definite recommend from women 49 and under, i promise to be your sex slave until they drop ticket prices back to five bucks and start enforcing the r rating.
you've got to do this. i think this movie can save me.
'mr. deeds goes to town.'
hi.  what a pretty dress.
are you going to a party?
well,.  thank you.
what a little winner, huh?
this is my favorite project. and it looks like we're going ahead with it.
well, come on, what's original? and this is a wonderful rewrite. it's funnier.
yes.  burke says i can test whoever i want. he wasn't even surprised when i mentioned you. so, if you could read this rewrite now and if you like it, we can make a test deal.  they can make a test deal.  we can tell them that they can make a test deal. i think it's important for me to steer clear of the business end.
longfellow deeds.
who goes to town, yes.
stop being so creepy honest. i really have an instinct about you for this. i'm going home--call me when you finish reading it. or.  come on over.
i mistimed it. i wanted you to catch me fully frontal.
so you loved it. a lot? a little?
do you see why i think you're right?
you know this is really happening, so i wish you wouldn't kid around about it.
there are some mixed signals coming out of here, aren't there? hi. working.  i can't write down a number now. call me back. the script?
i want to hear everything. you want to go page by page?
please. i understand.
what do you mean?
i'll tell you the truth, matt. i've never felt more like turning my phone off.
i don't understand what you're worried about.
but i get a lot of calls.
i could put the machine on 'monitor,' but it's going to be.  i don't know.
you look so serious.
please, we're making love here.
it's all right.
jeannie's fine. there's a whole bunch of kids in the building. she's fascinated. and they're all ready for you.
you're the only one.
sure. good luck, matt. the thing they're looking for most is sexy.
don't say it like that!!!
let him finish! god!
if you wait one minute, i'll let you.
wait till you hear this one.
i'm trying to hang in here but everything in me cuts off when somebody acts this way.
i didn't.  she went for water and by the time she got back, they had offered her the part. blame burke, he was there.
the white kid in a multi-racial foster home with all these kids of varying ages. it's not a bad show. i sure can't wait to see the test.
no. they offered it to her off the reading. i meant your test.
right away.  you've got my vote.
the man is talented. if you get one of those directors who like actors, i think.
we laughed.
everything doesn't boil down to.
hello. matt.  hi.  okay, sure.
matt.  matt.  matt.  maybe it would be easier if i just said 'hi' to her.  hi, jeannie.  yes, it's exciting.  no, no. he's right, honey, they get somebody to read it to you. now, put your dad on--it's important. no, first put your dad on.  damn it! . matt. uh-huh, a few hours ago.  they all.  everyone liked your work, but i think they'll go for a name or something.
it's not a matter of doing it differently.  they liked what you did, a lot.  they laughed and.  it's not you.  it's them. no, please. don't thank me. if you feel like getting together later or anytime, call me, okay? you sound like you have your hands full right now.  goodbye.
i'm glad i found you.
you holding up? what did you do last night after i called?
okay. okay. so you don't want to tell me. be a tough guy.
i feel relieved just seeing you after all that stuff.  whew.  okay. burke wants to.
this is the thing that makes me nervous about you.  you keep on assuming i'm nicer than i am.
jeannie.  i can't talk now because.
tell him i can't talk 'cause i'm on the phone with a director.
i can't. i have to hang up.
you know, i could get away now. but i've got a big meeting later. we'd better take two cars.
see you later. thanks again.
i don't know whether i'm being a coward for telling you this way or brave for telling you period.  can you hear me?
but i better talk fast because this is where my phone always kicks out.  when we did your screentest.  can you hear me?
well, i sort of folded on you at the end.
i did. truly. but the discussion got sort of dumb. it was a question of sexiness.
well, sort of, yes.
well, i'll tell you. i certainly must think so pretty much because i feel great about where we're going now.
are you very mad at me?
matt. matt. matt.
i'll talk fast. it's amazing news. oliver stone's been looking for a comedy and.
he's doing my picture.
part of this involves you. he remembers you from 'platoon' and wants to use you in this one. got your attention, huh?
i'm sorry.
i guess it's because i'm just incredibly insensitive to all human needs. i'd ask you to save me, but i'm so far gone, i wouldn't want you to waste your time.
you know, i don't have a kid or a mate or a talent. i got this. and shoot me if i think it's important.
you think i'm a superficial jerk. you can't be right.
oh, great.