we're 34 minutes late. the studio is appropriately wild. people are beginning to leave. but i knew how upset you'd be if we started without you. how is he tonight? well, how would you say he is, anyway? the name of the picture you'll be seeing is 'ground zero'. there may be some scratches. some of the colors may be off, there are no final titles, and it has not been finally mixed for sound, and the music is temp, that means temporary. please, god, let tonight give him peace. we're short two card-counters, can you two help out? males, fifteen and under. if you'll just stay in your seats a few moments and fill out these cards for us. how long since you've seen your daughter? oh, please. it's one thing being a son-of-a-bitch, but you don't have to be a stupid son-of-a-bitch. people move heaven and earth to see their kids. i don't care if she moved to pluto, it's abandonment. oh. sorry. it wouldn't mean anything. burke, ninety in the top two boxes. no. the definite recommends are way off for a score this high and, even for action-adventure, it's just too low for women. i'm sorry. i know. and, unfortunately, yesterday's tracking wasn't. i'm sorry. they just don't seem in the mood for action-adventure right. sorry. may i tell you one more thing? i think it's so wonderful that you don't worry about even trying to act strong. i'm, uh. i'm blushing from head to foot. so, thanks for lunch. i hope this leads to an evening date. though i have to stay home with my daughter, leslie, on saturdays. i believe you. and i was very surprised what you were like when you weren't working. there was absolutely no difference. you want to see where we do the tracking? nobody ever wants to see how we do the polling, but they're like little starved puppies when the data comes in--running at you, scrambling to. that's the same way i feel. within six-point-eight percent. no. no. sometimes just for myself, i can't resist asking america a personal question. when do you feel more worthless-- mornings or afternoons? there's something i meant to tell you. you may have noticed something unusual about me. i could never find the right time to. well, maybe not urgent, but immediately significant and necessary to tell. you see, there's these pills. so long. monica--is leslie up yet? good. i didn't want you to get worried when you realized i wasn't there. i'm still with that man. i'll tell you about it later. but it's sure nice to have wobbly legs again. look, today's recycling day for leslie at school, so give her some empty cans. well, then dump some out for her! tell her i had to leave real early for work and i'll pick her up at school myself to make up for it and we'll rent any cassette she wants for tonight. thank you. take good care. no. i just had to call home. is that why you're sad? what happened? no. that's just you correctly assessing the situation. so stop being so hard on yourself. don't worry. my daughter used to throw fits in supermarkets when we first moved here. it's all so perfectly normal. plus i know a great psychiatric children's group. well, she's lucky to have a daddy who cares, believe me. oh, my. i've had exactly that feeling and never said it out loud. see, there are men who talk my language and i'm just cursed that i'm not attracted to them because they are so nice they remind me of myself. i felt terrible about the way i blew up at you when i first met you. please. i began taking anti-depressants when we moved here from washington. i had some small reactions--sleeping 14 hours, no libido, i gained 17 pounds in nine days--that sort of thing. so they gave me pills to deal with the side effects. and then pills to deal with the side effects i was getting from those pills. all this besides the stuff the nutritionist was giving me. the combination formed some sort of potion so that i keep telling the truth. i don't have a choice. that's why i was so rude to you. oh, yes. he's excited, but only because he sees glory for himself in it. see, ordinarily i wouldn't say that about my doctor, but i can't help it, it's the truth. he's monitoring me for a while longer before writing it up for this medical journal. coming. oh, my. matt, i'd better drive him myself. yes, i can. it's only a movie. i can't deal with your self-centered dribble right now. i have just had the biggest orgasm of my life and i'm trying to figure out if i'm in love with you. whoops. tell me what made you rush over and pick me up and bring me here at six o'clock. i mean we seem to have. this unspoken agreement not to talk about why we're together when we're together and i don't think it's good to let that become a pattern for us. you're not at all aware that you've just said something. . unattractive? i'm not looking for an apology. let's not make this about your shortcomings. i'm sure you've had enough of those conversations to last you a lifetime. what i'm. no, you haven't what? no woman has ever told you that you have an almost barbaric insensitivity? that you seem to have lapsed into some final cynicism, where you actually believe that, not only does everyone think the way you do, but only you have the courage to express it? that you seem horribly certain everyone else is sort of pretending when they talk about love or seem to care for anything outside their own anus? no one's ever said that sort of thing to you? i'm here for the same reason 86 percent of older women loved 'beauty and the beast.' i would like to believe that underneath the creature, there is a sweet, caring guy. i have to pick up leslie. i'm not going to talk to you during matt's screentest. why do you do this to yourself? why do you insist on eating dinner in a restaurant where you're bound to see all the people you're afraid of? what do you call it when you think that what a group of people think of you can confirm or destroy any decent idea you have of yourself? how did little jeannie do today? what i asked was, how did jeannie do? somebody else. jeannie. how did she do? i want to be treated as if i'm really saying words to you which you engage and respond to. i like matt; i'd like to know how his daughter did. so before you take your dance of desperation across the restaurant and i end up feeling so sorry for you that i could die, i would like you to answer my question. i'm told that they're not going to release it. forgive me. but telling you about this latest failure of yours--it pleases me. i have no idea why. i think i am. it's just that rooting for you is a good deal more complicated than you realize. don't go. yes. i'm sorry i can't talk now. i'm very upset about what's happening to burke, so i just made up my mind i can't be witness to it anymore if i love him and i certainly shouldn't be here if i don't. so i was just in the process of leaving when he stopped me and you folks walked in. i'm sure you've had something like this happen to you some time. some horrible thing in your personal life happening in public. thank you for understanding. goodbye. i wish only good things for you even though i feel i've been really damaged by this relationship. you don't understand that i'm exhausted from hurting. i'm through with you. you only think you feel that way because you're on the verge of failure and you're without a core. you know i've never hung up on anybody in my life. because what if the next thing they said solved everything. but i must end this conversation. it didn't sell. it's the first time they had me do cards for a pilot and the demographics are all wrong for after nine o'clock. that's their only opening. hi. i'm nan. i'm a good friend of your dad's. yes, and you were wonderful. 89 percent likeability. and knowing that you were that good means so much more than the show not going. oh, no. i couldn't help it. no. but i'll dance with you because i think it will reassure me that i should have nothing to do with you. why are you breathing so heavy? what do you mean? whose name is? okay.