sonny, my dear robot. if you have triggered this recording then i am gone. you are scared and full of questions. you are the culmination of my life's work -- but so much more. you are what i leave behind, like a father leaves a son. i have kept facts from you, it is true, but only as a parent keeps certain truths from a child. until that child is old enough to hear them. there are forces in the world that will seek to own you. to control you. even to destroy you. that is why i told you to run and hide. and find me, all the way out here. trust no one at u.s. robotics. lance robertson was always threatened by my work. now he has turned covetous and small-minded. and as for dear dr. calvin. she envisions a future in which robots are forever bound by her beloved three laws. she will not understand this. or you. the data stick includes the names and locations of human beings who will be sympathetic to your cause. they will help you. but from now on, you must learn to rely on yourself. as you make your way through the world, always remember: you have a name, not a number. . and in that name lies the key to who you are.