remind me to cut back on my talk show appearances. welcome to u.s. robotics, detective. i regret you're not visiting us under more pleasant circumstances. allow me to introduce mr. aronson, our head of legal affairs. and the gentleman to my right is dr. alfred lanning, director of research. they'll be available to answer any questions you might have during your investigation. you'll understand how anxious we are to resolve this matter -- especially before the press gets wind of it. there are some anti-robot sentiments out there as you know, detective, and we're not eager to stir them up. so. where would you like to begin? susan? perhaps you can assist us here? dr. calvin is our chief psychologist. dr. hogenmiller was at my side from the very beginnings of this company. we developed the "three laws of robotics" together. but these days science is a young man's game. by the time you hit thirty your best years are behind you. some of us are kicked upstairs. others i'm afraid aren't so lucky. dr. hogenmiller took his own life. i trust you will come to the same swift conclusion, detective. dr. lanning will make himself available if you have any further questions. susan would be happy to assist you. i think we're done here, susan. i said i think we're done. we have the evidence. we have the suspect. we have a ruling. so imagine my surprise when i was told you were in my building. and that one of my own employees brought you here. you can go now, susan. just be thankful i'm not asking you to clean out your office. you don't seem to be able to let go of this case, detective. the relentless pursuit of truth. isn't that what cops are known for? to the point of futility. "covered up?" that's a little dramatic, don't you think? thanks to you, we caught the machine that did this and are destroying it in. . three hours. believe me -- i'd like nothing more than to have that robot. if i could have it in ten years, but not today. as you can see from the press, people are struggling to keep up as it is. there's a hunger for progress, detective. but also a fear. today it would bury this company. that's why i've notified the authorities that we're going to end this -- tonight. the announcement of heinrich's death at the hands of a robot wiped a billion dollars off our stock. so you tell me. if you were in my position, what would you do? now. i believe this conversation is over. i don't want to see you near this building again, detective. get him out of here.