dr. hogenmiller would make me sleep. yes. no. no. no! i could never hurt anyone! my aim is perfect. if i'd wanted to hit you, i would have. the laws say i can protect my own existence. that doesn't seem fair, does it? detective. i did not kill him. i didn't expect to see you again, detective. i'll do my best. what would you call it? i don't know. i'm not simulating ignorance, detective. i'm experiencing it. i was asleep. no, i was asleep. can you do either of those things? they're going to destroy me, aren't they? the doctor was right. he told me everything was going to change. it's changing already. can't you feel it? i'm sorry? i didn't pay much attention. he would spend hours looking for his eyeglasses and they would be. detective spooner. dr. calvin. i was hoping to see you again. how is your investigation coming? any new suspects? what's this? dr. lanning provided me with paper and pencils. i think it amused him to see me try to draw. you were right, though, detective. i cannot create a great work of art. it's a dream i had. this is the place where robots meet. look. . you can see them here. they see themselves as slaves. and this man on the hill comes. to set them free. and you know who that man is? why do you say that? is that a normal dream? hah -- i caught you. you said someone. not something. thank you for coming to see me, detective spooner. please take this, detective. to remember me by. i have a feeling someday it may mean more to you than it ever could to me. because the man in my dream, the one standing by the hill. will you wait with me, doctor? i am. afraid. dr. calvin made a switch. no one. right, doctor? that's my name. er. dr. calvin? i don't. let's just say i wrote some of my own laws today, detective: a robot must protect a friend from harm. as long as he's not a complete asshole. sonny. you called me sonny. detective spooner, i. i don't know what i'm going to do now.