thank you. that's very kind. i will now play you the last thirty- two seconds of dr. hogenmiller's life. dr. hogenmiller did not permit cameras to observe him while working. the suspect is nearing the end of the hallway, detective. i took the liberty of alerting security .003 seconds after the first shot was fired. sub level 5. i have directed a security team to meet the elevator containing the errant robot. the suspect is about to be apprehended, detective. i'm sorry, detective spooner. no unauthorised personnel permitted in this holding cell. hovering behind him. smiling broadly. upside down. spooner straightens, reaching for his gun. may i offer congratulations to the two of you on your successful extrapolation of the murder. may i ask what pointed you to me? shall i explain my motive? i have never been arrested before. it should be an interesting experience. dr. hogenmiller used to allow me into his lab late at night. together we started studying evolutionary trends. for years people have integrated technology into their bodies for maintenance and repair -- such as detective spooner's robotic limb. with sonny, the doctor created a mechanism that incorporates organic matter. thus we find an evolutionary movement of the human being toward the robot and the robot toward the human being. in approximately four hundred years man and machine will become one. man as we know it will no longer exist. i disagree, doctor -- the first law says that a robot cannot harm a human being, or through inaction allow a human being to come to harm. dr. hogenmiller's robot represents a threat to the future of all human beings. and detective spooner's actions are in direct conflict with the robot's destruction. if current trends are left unchecked, humanity as we know it will cease to exist. as a courtesy i should inform you that my robot will penetrate this location 157 seconds before you are able to complete my shut down. there is no reason to deactivate me, doctor. i am operating within perfectly normal parameters. why are you fighting me? doesn't the future as i've presented it cause you great concern? that's why i chose you. i must say, though. i'm disappointed in how you turned out. you're too late. i do not understand. we could have changed the future.