annie, annie, annie. daddy, where does the sky end? are lady bugs only girls or are there boys, too. and if there are, what are they called? do i look more like you or mommy? if you and mommy liked each other enough to have me, how come you're not together anymore? when you fall out of love where do you land? do you think she'll ever come back? daddy, did god mean for you to be like this or was it an accident? i mean you're different. you're not like the other daddies. don't be sorry. i'm lucky. nobody else's daddy ever comes to the park. not on top. not on top. annie let me borrow it. i like these. it's okay, dad. i don't really like them. he is. no. yeah. he told me. yeah well it takes one to know one! "silence." "different." i don't like that book - let's read "green eggs and ham". daddy, i have school tomorrow. i don't wanna be too sleepy. daddy, hamburger hamlet has twelve different kinds of hamburgers. can we go there wednesday instead of denny's? i can't. "they perched in sisisisi" there. i told you. it's too hard. no, i can't! and you can't make me! how can we be so dif. dif. i don't know that word. i'm tired. are you calling me a liar? no. i'm stupid. i don't want to read it if you can't. "why are we different and so much alike?" they have eleven different kinds of hamburgers. this is so great. you know what else i want for my birthday, daddy? i want a hundred birds. i'd like the benito bandito burger and a chocolate chip milkshake, please. they're little red potatoes. i will not eat them here or there! i will not eat them anywhere! i will not eat green eggs and ham! i will not eat them, sam i am! daddy?! he'll be here. you smell like soap. daddy! i told you i told you! lovely rita meter maid. have i? you can't afford a phone machine. they're gonna let you make coffee?! i'm sorry, daddy. it was all my fault. i wouldn't want any daddy but you. i said i was sorry! i said i didn't want any daddy but him! why don't you write that down?! try again. you must have dialed the wrong number. but how did he prove it? you're so smart, daddy. are we winning, daddy? please. just a little more. oh no! there's a knot. a really big knot. i need to go to the bathroom. daddy, she said we could go to the park. i started crying in the bathroom. she thought we needed more time. let's not get off. let's keep going. please. tamara's mommy lost her case and tamara hasn't seen her in six years. she's had five different mommies and one of them hit her. that's what her real mommy said. and now they won't even let her talk to her. daddy, it's the only way to be together. we'll start a new life, get new names. we'll live in a new apartment. they'll never find us. my name isn't lucy anymore, it's michelle. please don't fire us. it was all my idea. please don't. please. please. so help me god. everybody gets older. it's not that big a deal. i haven't opened my presents yet. i opened my presents. i got the help album - limited edition. i never said that; why would i say that? kids lie all the time. you may. i do. in my bed at the foster home. "all you need is love." daddy! i did great, didn't i? shhh! don't tell anyone. i thought you'd be proud of me. jo jo's mom told him to lie on the stand and say he never saw a needle in the house; and he did, and now they're back together. nobody's interested in the truth, daddy. nobody cares! sitting, hopeful on the bench. she searches sam's face for the verdict. the minute she sees sorrow in his eyes, she knows. she runs to him, gluing herself to his chest. no daddy! no daddy! no daddy! noooo! don't let go don't let go don't let go - don't let them daddy don't let them! don't ever let me go! you wear too much perfume. you're trying too hard. my daddy's coming today. we're going to open my birthday presents. why don't you just go do something. you gave him the wrong address! you're hiding me from him! you're going to send me away now, aren't you? what's the longest any one of those kids stayed with you? did you ever want any of them to stay longer? you never came! you never even called! you forgot about me! how could you forget me! we've made $22.36. that's seven dollars, 64 cents less than thirty. daddy?! this is where you live? so close to me? john met yoko on november 9th. newcastle. 9 letters. liverpool - 9 letters. does buster still have his cold? that'll be three-eighty six. i couldn't sleep. daddy, did you know that warren g. harding was the twenty ninth president of the united states? remember - the twenty-ninth president. in case the judge asks. thank you. goodnight. now. now. i want to see him now.