double double decaf low-fat cap. good choice very good choice. mocha rumba frappuccino no whipped, half low, half non. excellent choice. very good choice. "it's time for you to go." it's time. it's time. it's time. it's time, it's time for you to go. rebecca! i'm sorry. this is it! this is it! this is it. let me see let me see let me see. 12:17, march 2nd. lucy in the sky with diamonds. recorded march 2nd. 1967. lyrics by john lennon, music by paul mccartney. lucy diamond dawson. becca! becca! didn't you just fall asleep, little girl? okay, if you say it's time to get up, then it's time to get up, time to get up. oh my, oh my, oh my. quite a bit of business. oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. let me see let me see let me see. you look very beautiful this morning, very beautiful. everything's so tiny, tiny. tiny. everything. won't you please come over? help. i need somebody. won't you please please help me. her mother? her mother said "this isn't my life. i'm outta here when she comes. it didn't mean anything, sam. it was just one night. the two of you. that's all i need" annie, what if she's sick? a lot, gerber, carnation, gerber. breakfast, lunch, and dinner. three squares hot. oh. i'm sorry lucy diamond. she never really goes to sleep. what are you doing here now?! her first sound sleep, not a sound, not a sound. oh my god, video night. first thursday of the month. video night at sam's house. i'm sorry, i forgot. you did? she looks smart, doesn't she? almost there, almost there. one more round and she'll be down for the night. double macciatto, low foam, low-fat. good choice, very good choice. please, annie! she's too big to take to work. it was her first word. very first word. let me see, let me see. i've never been there but they say it's somewhere near china. the beatles. i think she fell out of love with me. not you, never you. me, just me. somewhere in florida, i think. paul mccartney lost his mother when he was fourteen. john lost his mother twice. first when julie gave john to her sister mimi to raise. and then again when julia was hit by a car. they say god picks certain people, special people. that's what they say. do you mean - what do you mean? what do you mean? i mean, what do you mean? i'm not am i. i'm sorry. we are very lucky, aren't we? good choice. very good choice. brad, i know it was your turn. i'm sure of it. you need a good sturdy school shoe. arches are very important. no one will make fun of lucy. yes i do. she know what she likes. she likes these. how much are they? one penny less than fifty. these shoes are one penny less than fifty? no, no no no no. thank you, thank you. we are rich in friends. that's what our fortune cookie said. 1, 2, 3, 4, quarters that makes one. is it enough? beautiful kick! very close! thatta girl! thatta girl! they're getting scared now! hurray, lucy! you're getting the hang of it now! you've got them scared now! l-u-c-y! that's our battlecry! "they perched in sisisi" ". silence for a long time." boy. your teacher chose a hard book this time. "how can we be so difdifdif" "i am sam, sam i am. do you like green eggs and ham? i do not like them, sam i am!" "and i will eat them here and there. say i will eat them anywhere. i do so like green eggs and ham, thank you thank you, sam i am!" one more time! just the part about the boat and the goat in the rain in the train? but wednesday night's denny's, thursday's video night, friday night karaoke. how about one more time, just the beginning? "i am sam, sam i am" well, if he has the arrow. you're a good reader. you're lucky. i'm looking for a smart, good mother. oh, good. good. oh no no no. i don't believe in that. gentle. gentle. yes. do you tell stories? i have to pick up lucy at annie's first. french, french the language of france. you could teach my daughter, lucy. after?! no no, lucy comes too. your teeth don't sound like they were brushed. do it with me now. thirteen up. not on the gum line not on the gum line, 1, 2, 3. no one wanted the beatles to break up. but you can hear it on the white album. they were going in different directions. yes you do. it starts with a "d" -- i don't believe you. yes. now read the word. no you're not. it makes me happy. i'm happy hearing you read it. a new place. your choice. i said we'd go to a new place. and here we are. the napkins are much stiffer at denny's. they make better birds. there's not so much stuff on the tables there either. why do they have two kinds of mustard on every table? no, no coffee. sam's system can't handle coffee. i'll have the fish special, side of potatoes, salad with thousand island dressing, cherry pie, and. chips, chips? you mean potato chips? i don't want potato chips. i want a side of potatoes. no, a side of potatoes, like at denny's. a side of potatoes. denny's has new potatoes. six new potatoes parsley garnish parsley garnish. fish and chips fish and chips. i will not eat fish and chips. now when they come through the door, everybody yell "surprise!" do you want to rehearse again? is that lucy? annie's supposed to call and warn us. shhhh, everyone. put your present over there - hurry up! lucy might be on her way. hello? annie says she's coming up the stairs. everyone be quiet. assume surprise positions! be quiet! assume surprise positions! why are you such a party pooper?! assume surprise positions! he's gonna ruin the surprise! he's gonna ruin the surprise! surprise! happy birthday! i'll go get her. no, no no no. it's her birthday! it's her birthday! run, lucy, run! yes. i just wanted it to be a nice surprise party. i had gotten the plates at pic-n-save. pink and yellow, pink and yellow. like a princess. and the balloons at -- twenty-two days? lucy will come home and you want me to bring lucy back in twenty-two days? thursday? today is monday, mrs. brown. that's three days away. that's too long. she can't sleep without mr. jeeters. well if you're not available until thursday, maybe i could see her without you there. maybe the judge made a mistake - maybe he doesn't know that for seven years i played with her without you there. no mrs. brown, i'm not trying to violate the court. mrs. brown? so you think i'm guilty? but she said i'm not her father. but ifty. she said it. the social worker said it's a custody case. fifteen thousand dollars! good choice, very good choice. is it free? lucy had an ice-cream cake with pink flowers - pink, not white not white. lucy's favorite is cherry vanilla which is pink, too. cherries and vanilla. burt bacharach shared billing with the beatles and jose jiminez on the ed sullivan show june 5th, 1968. yes. a little one. your son's on line two. since you would like to, why don't you talk to your boss. maybe he would let you. i earn eight dollars an hour at starbucks. i can pay your hourly rate, rate by the hour, hourly -- is there a child involved in mr. kresges' case? this is lucy. one year old. first word, "apple". december third. 3:16 p.m. december third. here's lucy two years old. first merry go-round ride. june 6th. 4:13 p.m. june 6th. here's lucy. seven years old. the day the police took her away. thank you for telling me not to give up. i won't give up. you did say "over the trees" instead of "over the sea." it's hard to remember all the words to all the songs. there's so many. you have a child rita rubel bly harrison williams. if they took him away wouldn't you hire the fastest talking four-named lawyer you could? i'm ready. i'm ready. i'm ready to make coffee. lo-fat decaf latte. coffee up to here. add steamed milk up to here. no foam, no foam. cinnamon or chocolate sprinkles. i know what that means. i stock shelves at lucky supermarkets. i want to bag groceries, miss losey says "i'll think about it." randy brenner gets the job. i was the janitor at the la reina theater, i wanted to take tickets. mr. jenkins said he'd think about it. larry peters gets the job. lets his friends in for free. words, words, words. i need more than that. i need to pay my lawyer. i need to make coffee. non-fat vente cap. i'm sorry to bother you, but did you call your friend? your friend from college, your friend who does this kind of work? oh, that happens. that happens. people lose touch. will you call me if you find it? if you get back in touch? 32nd floor. 32 floors more. 31st floor. 31 floors more. oh my god oh my god! rubel bly harrison and williams! yes! alright! i liked sonny bono too! and she's a century city lawyer - a very famous lawyer. guess what her name is? rita harrison. harrison. just like george. you've grown. your ears are larger. and your eyes are older. i'm gonna get a phone machine. next paycheck. if i'm not home, you can leave a message. "hi, this is lucy." yes we can. i'm in line for a promotion. big promotion. a promotion that's big. set your dreams high, lucy. no, lucy. don't say that. it's - they - but it's an emergency - lots of three syllable words urgent open at once. i know and i want you to object. here. don't be sad. okay okay i know i take the #34 bus and transfer to the #13. than the downtown express to wilshire then - red means stop yellow in the middle means no no no. i don't like shrinks. i've seen too many shrinks. your mother sent you to shrinks, too? that's nice. did you notice that everyone else is driving slower. i noticed that did you? she's gone. she's at the park lane mortuary. two from the left. under the big tree. too many shrinks. i'm sorry mrs. dawson, if i were you i wouldn't waste any more time. i'm sorry mrs. dawson it must be a tremendous disappointment. i'm sorry mrs. dawson i think you'd both be happier if sam was in a home. okay, okay. i'm ready. hello, i am sam. oh, yes. false start, false start. that's a good code. i'll remember that. one, two, three. i'm hi. i am sam. i'm not home. but then i'm lying. i'm not a liar. it will send a mixed message to lucy. let me see, let me see, let me see. hi, how are you? did i sound like a good father? rubel bly harrison and williams thirty second floor, thirty-two floors up. sam. i am sam. he works in a bank. tall's the smallest. do you want it here or to go? annie, it's one day. one hour. maybe only 53 minutes. lucy needs you. you went to college. you can give the right answers. we can't lose her. i think they want you to stop. you made her cry. that's not nice. not very nice. your secretary too. yellow and green in one bowl. you separate the lima beans from the corn please? my treat. my treat. i said it's my treat. that means i'll get it. trying to what? like a what? a real man? you're my lawyer and you think what they think. i don't have a chance. no chance at all. even with an expert witness. answer the question. do you think what they think? sam can't order food. sam can't pay a check. sam can't take care of lucy? you're my lawyer it matters what you think. me. it matters to me. fourteen thirty three. that's 5 ones, 2 quarters and 16 cents less than twenty. columbus had to sail around the world to prove it was round. what's going on? what made her change her mind? that was so nice of her. very nice. no, lucy. that would be wrong. i won't let that happen. i love you lucy. i love you. not yet not yet not yet. not yet not yet not yet. she hasn't been sleeping well. she needs a good night's rest. let her sleep, let her sleep. no! she - but lucy said - no, lucy, you lied. jo jo isn't us. the truth, the truth, when the judge hears the truth, he'll know, he'll know we should be together. i care! do you hear me? the truth. the whole truth! so help me god!! help me, god. help me, god. help me, god. oh boy! thank you, george! annie! i can't believe it! objection! no further questions! i said that's enough! i will not allow it! overruled! overruled!! extraordinary. truly extraordinary. effective. very effective. annie's not quite ready to go outside yet. this is my favorite part. hey dommy, this one looks like he's suffering from shell shock. "turtles in the half-shell, turtle power!" rita! come this is the best part. you eat too fast. come watch the movie. bad? let me see let me see let me see. could you slow down? why do you eat so fast? but i didn't. you did. no. you're so lucky. you get to play with danny all the time. yes he does. he does he does. he thinks you don't want to. tweak, tweak. tweak, squeak, peek peek. you know i didn't harass him, rita. you know that, you know that! oh yeah yeah yeah yeah. i didn't harass him, mr. turner. mr. turner - you don't look like him. you're so much prettier. in some ways. but in other ways, she's not, i think. i think. i think in other ways i'm smarter than her. smarter than you are, mr. turner. in fact, in some ways i'm smarter than you, judge mcneilly. what parent doesn't want more for their child? to be more than the sum of the parts of the whole of them. i won't let that happen. i won't. respect is not just about how smart someone is. smart is not just about how smart someone is. lucy is happy! we have fun! we go to denny's, we go to video night. i know how to love her. i know i'm not going to able to go to law school and learn how to be a mean person, but i know how to love. i know how to be her father, mr. turner! half day, half day. i take the stand at two. sprinkles or cinnamon? americano, americano, not a latte. i'm going to be late! i'm going to be late! no, no, i can't wait. i can't wait. i've got to go right now. lucy needs me. lucy needs you. there's a free program at the ymca. lucy can go there. the fosters don't know her. why can't she live with me and they can come visit if they want to. i'm firm on this. and i'm getting firmer. lucy belongs with me. paul wrote the first part of the song "michelle". he said to john, "where do i go from here?" john had been listening to nina simone. there was a line in it that went something like, "i love you, i love you, i love you" they put that into the song. it wouldn't be the same song without that. it made the song complete. that's why the whole world cried when they broke up on april 10, 1970. no. no. in an institution. only after my mom got sick. gone with the wind when sam was born. i saw her i saw her. christmas, easter and my birthday. some yes. some on. some yes. sometimes. sometimes they did sometimes. no. not mr. whitehead. not him. myself. i am not a seven-year old. yes. no. what was the question? my friends - my friends love lucy even if rita thought they weren't smart enough to testify. even if she said you'd wipe the floor with them. i've had a lot of time to think about whatever it is that makes somebody a good parent. it has to do with constancy. it has to do with patience. it has to do with listening. to pretending to listen when you can't even listen anymore. it has to do with love, like she says. and i don't know where it's written that a woman has a corner on that market, that a man has any less of those emotions than a woman. billy has a home with me! it's not perfect! i'm not a perfect parent! sometimes i forget he's just a little kid. we built a life together and we love each other and if you destroy that, it may be irrep, irrep, irrep. no, yes, no. let me see let me see let me see. yes. i am lucy's father. yes. yes. she does. she deserves everything. in my heart of hearts. maybe. maybe everybody's right. no more no more! let it stop! no more! no more! no more! you need a towel? a refill? a glass of water? you need more than you already have? you have everything - everything. but it's not enough. take my daughter, too! no room. no room. sam makes life too hard. sam makes life too hard on everyone. i don't want to work there anymore. too many people. lucy doesn't need me anymore. she has a new family. she doesn't need me anymore. she didn't have to say it. i may be stupid, but i know. i know. i tried. i tried. you don't know. you don't know. you don't know what it is to try and try and never get there. you were born perfect, perfect. that's right. people like you don't know. people like you don't know, don't know what hurt feels like, people like you don't feel, don't feel anything. you're enough. you're so much more than enough. lovely rita. all the lights were green. i want her back. i can do it. i know i can. supplemental income supplemental income - bathe, walk and feed. sam dawson meets your canine needs. sit! sit! sit! sit! sit! sit! i never forgot you. i forgot me. i hate you i hate you i hate you! lucy, i tried to write you a letter last night. gesundheit, buster. buster has a cold. but the letter had too many big words. pokey, sit. dear lucy. pokey sit. dear lucy, i'm sorry that i hurt you. every moment of the day i thought about you. lucy in the hammock, lucy at school. lucy in the sky. xxoo. daddy. p.s. i love you, recorded september 11th, the day you took your first step. napa cabbage, excellent choice. purple and green, purple and green. very rich in vitamin c. good choice. very good choice. hello, lawyer. no. we already did. don't tell anybody. here. you're saying i don't have a chance. that's what you're saying. stop. rita's not saying i don't have a chance. are you? tell me i have a chance. this is very hard to say. i'm having my dessert here. with rita. i'm not coming to video night. i said no, rita. what? do you want me to go? where? fine. i've got it. it's good to chew. you're eating more slowly. coconut rhubarb. sidebar, we need to talk. sidebar. i need to get lucy back. we need, we need - to be professional. when dealing with starbucks' customers, be friendly but not familiar. i can be your friend. you need to leave your husband. 'life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friend.' i live here. this is where i live. i wanted to be close to you. i wanted to be closer. look at my apartment number. john was born on october 9th. his son was born on october 9th. his mother lived at 9 newcastle, liverpool. i don't want to spend half my visit with lucy on the bus getting to lucy. i don't want to waste one more minute. he's better, much better. now i'll have one box of mint chocolate cookies. lucy lucy. what are you doing?! you could have really hurt yourself. what are you doing? no. she couldn't sleep. maybe if you rub her tummy twenty-three times, tell her two stories and give her half a denny's blueberry muffin and a third of a glass of milk she'll sleep. good night. oh, lovely rita, meter maid. you worry you did the wrong thing? no no no. i'm the lucky one. i have the lawyer that never loses. them first, then me. they're a nice couple. they have a nice house. she's pretty. she's smart, too. i can tell. the manager of the salad bar is gonna testify, isn't he? that will help us. nobody believed that george harrison could really be a song writer. but he wrote "here comes the sun". john and paul said it was one of the best songs on abbey road. lucy's was paul. i hope i hope i hope that you're saying what i think you're saying even though you're not saying it. randy! if i tell you i can't do it alone, will you tell the judge? promise? i've looked and looked for a mother for lucy. help, i need someone, help, not just anyone. you're the red in lucy's painting. penalty! rules broken. penalty, please! penalty! repeat! rules broken! penalty! Play ball! Play ball!